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Solace In Silence

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Solace In Silence
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Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Anthony W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/24/2020 10:32:50

Great Adventure! I thought you might appreciate a teaser trailer I made for the adventure for my PCs


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jay G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2019 22:25:58

Although this adventure might not be right for every group in every circumstance I think it might be the single 'Ravenloftest' adventure since Ravenloft was introduced as a campaign setting.

There are interesting details to uncover and a sinister malevolance at work but the characters should feel tension and dread that never lets up, eventually followed by utter despair. There is a mystery of sorts to uncover, and challenges to be met and overcome but in the end the best the group can hope for is a pyrrhic victory. The adventure delivers as advertised "inevitable tragedy" and feels like a truly satisfying and complete story in part due to that.

For a group of mature players this is truly a 5 star adventure that delivers thematically on the setting. If your group are more of the murder-hobo variety you may find this adventure not to be their cup of tea but that doesn't diminish how well written and executed it is.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Trent G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2019 06:42:41

This is an absolutely amazing little adventure. Only real complaint would be the feeling that the reference to a particular place within the first area never felt like it had a payoff. However, this is not enough to pull me away from such an excellent adventure like this. To this date, still stands as one of, if not, my favorite things I have ever run.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sarah R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2018 13:42:13

This adventure is well written and flows well and the dark and sombre mood is maintained throughout from start to finish. It offers something for every style of play and it's pretty unique in terms of content and tone.

Pretty great!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Soproxi P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2018 10:13:51

I absolutely love this product. When I picked this up, I stayed up all night, from midnight to around 4am, reading Solace in Silence top to bottom. The fact that Solace in Silence is such a new concept, entices me, and my players. Its not for everyone, though. The lack of traditional creatures, and the nature of Solace has infuriated some of my players slightly, but that is down to personal preference. In all, Solace In Silence is a must buy for as someone who wants to spice things up, and get something new.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2018 02:01:30

I find that DMing and playing @Deathbybadger's work is like being given a box of delectable chocolates, where everytime you eat one, a piece of you is eaten by the void as well, yet you love it. As someone who has purchased multiple products from @Deathbybadger I can most assurdly attest to the firm fact that each product is not just a module, but an expression of art that redefines this genre of games. Maybe I'm biased or just a fan, but Solace in Silence does not fail to deliver for me. If you had the pleasure of running a game of "City of Eyes" and have players itching for that same level of devotion from a writer, I highly recommend this story. Solace in Silence is something unique and in many ways entirely different than previous works by @Deathbybadger but in the major ways it is that scratch for a special itch. Unlike "City of Eyes" this story is short. Short, lonely, and deadly. This story is for players who want that sort of thing. Player's who can't sit still for a mystery, or need a dungeon crawl aren't going to appreciate it, but for a group who enjoys the Ravenloft setting and doesn't mind being eaten by the void in real life alongside their fictional counterparts... They will find the horror to be bittersweet, and the chocolate delicious.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Kaine O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/02/2018 07:21:55

This review is from the perspective of someone who has fully read the material, but has not yet run it.

If you're already familiar with deathbybadger's other work, you probably already have an idea of what you'll think of this adventure. The style of grim, existential horror, crushing bleakness, and unnervingly disarming humor that made the City of Eyes unique is fully present in the frozen world of Solace. Whether or not that style resonated with you will tell you a lot about whether or not you should buy this module.

What sets Solace apart from not only its predecessors but also from most every other adventure is the sense of loneliness it seems built to press upon your party. There are no NPCs to meet or save, only dark echoes to show where there used to be life. There are no monsters to battle, but your party will still be hounded constantly by the feeling that something is lurking just beyond that next snow drift. Indeed, as the adventure seems designed to almost guarantee that not everybody makes it to the end (which is, in itself, a punch to the gut), the player's are likely to experience the dread of being the last man standing, or more likely crawling, upon the dead face of Solace as much as they dread their likely demise.

Well-written, neatly put together in terms of flow and pacing, and guaranteed to give your players a wholly unique experience that will ensure they never trust you again, I highly recommend this product to anyone looking to dive into a new blend of horror at their table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solace In Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Libedrator E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/02/2018 04:35:32

This adventure is extremely well written, from the very first to the very last page. A delight to read for the eyes of any Dungeon Master .

Worth 5 stars without a second thought.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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