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The Return Of The Blue Baron (A Collaborative Dungeon For Blueholme) $0.00
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The Return Of The Blue Baron (A Collaborative Dungeon For Blueholme)
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The Return Of The Blue Baron (A Collaborative Dungeon For Blueholme)
Publisher: 3 Toadstools
by Jorge J. V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2019 17:40:21

The Return of the Blue Baron is the sequel to An Invitation From the Blue Baron, but it is designed to be played without needing to have played the first part, since it is the continuation of Blue Baron's story, not the PC's.

Return is a free two-level, medium-length collaborative dungeon written for Blueholme, the retroclone that emulates the first revision of D&D Basic. It is designed for a group of 4 to 6 adventurers, level 3.

This adventure includes some traditional elements (goblins, for example) and others that only seem traditional but have completely unexpected twists (ying / yang trolls; wait to see them and you will understand!). There's also a hole that is actually a huge mouth.

The adventure of Return consists of a contest. The Blue Baron has died (in strange circumstances), and his widow organized a competition: the first group that manages to find the body of the Baron, which is hidden somewhere in a dungeon, will be the winner.

The strongest points of this adventure are its originality and its cohesion. Although it was written by 10 people, most of the dungeons have a certain flavor that makes it plausible; that does not mean that there are not unexpected and surprising moments, it means that almost all the rooms are unexpected and surprising, maintaining the same tone during the whole adventure, with only few exceptions.

Speaking of tone, this is partly whimsical and partly serious. Many of the encounters can become hilarious for all players with the same ease with which they can be taken seriously; one could say there is almost no place for vanilla fantasy, because Return is more on the weird, or even gonzo sides of game style.

Other highlights are the depth of the plot (intrigue, and several factions that operate at the same time), the ability to play as a sequel or independent module, the rules to measure time (they have 3 days to find the body or escape of the dungeon), strange and original monsters, and the multiple endings according to whether or not they manage to find the Baron's body before the others.

If there are two things I can complain about, it's, first, the descriptions of some rooms are quite long; and the second is that the text appears in a single column, not double column. None is too serious a problem when found separate, but when they come together, reading becomes a bit more difficult and exhausting. The descriptions of most of the rooms are so interesting allow a funny adventure, though, but sometimes it gets alittle tedious to read through a not particullarly interesting room, which, fortunately, are few.

Other small details that are strange are the numbering of the maps (when reading room 1 there is no indication of where the entrance to the dungeon is; in fact, it's until we get to room 3 that we discover the entrance) and the appearance of rules when it seems that the adventure has already begun (the widow makes an announcement and the players can make their characters get equipped and roll for rumors), after that fake start, some more rules come, which causes confusion. But none of these details is too important, and when the exploration of the dungeon begins, which is the central part of the module, there is no interruption until the end.

In conclusion, Return is an interesting adventure that will challenge your most ingenious players. Will they be able to assemble the Baron's body in time?


[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Return Of The Blue Baron (A Collaborative Dungeon For Blueholme)
Publisher: 3 Toadstools
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2018 12:53:37

"It is with heavy heart that I confirm the rumors which you must have heard by now. My husband, Lord Gavanov Keiner, 23rd Baron Keiner, known to many as the Blue Baron, is no more.

Yet hope remains in the words of his final command, a rather unique funeral arrangement. The Blue Baron dares all brave and adventurous souls who would risk death in trade for fame and glory to come forthwith to Einhornstadt, arriving no later than three days before moonrise.

My Lord Baron calls on you from beyond the grave. Ignore him at your loss and peril.


Maria Keiner"

So begins the savage introduction into The Return Of The Blue Baron (A Collaborative Dungeon For Blueholme) From 3 Toadstools.

This is basically a free mid level adventure which is actually an advertisement for the Blueholmes retroclone system but don't let that fool you. The Return of the Blue Baron has some really interesting twists & turns to it. Clocking in at seventy five pages this dungeon adventure serves as a weird mid level testing ground for adventurers. Here's what this actually means in overall play at the table top.

The tricks & traps are original on the whole the adventure breaks down as follows:

2 Levels - A short & sweet way of doing a dungeon with several nights of actual play & that's not a bad thing because it gives the dungeon master & players a good run of sessions without bogging adventure events & combat.

46 Rooms - The descriptions of the rooms break down into a well rounded experience for the players with the challenges being well thought out. Balance is well OSR balance so its an interesting mix.

New Creatures - There are some 'Weird Tales' style creatures that can be ported over to a number of other adventures to keep the campaign flow going. There are some solidly done creatures.

New Artifacts & Magic Items - The artifacts are solidly done but some of the magic items will have to be weighted by the DM on a case by case basis for their over all campaigns. Make sure these items fit your home game style.

The cartography is decent & serves the adventure's style very well. The over all flow of the maps serves to heighten the feel of the adventure.

The Return Of The Blue Baron could be used as a mid point adventure for any number of old school Dungeons & Dragons editions including Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition. This adventure is ideally suited for Labryth Lord or Lamentations of the Flame Princess with the Blue Baron's holdings being put on the outer edges of the British Empire in Europe.

For a Sword & Sorcery game such as Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperobrea the Blue Baron's holdings should be placed near the Hyperborean capital within about 100 miles or so.

So now that I'm no longer on the OSR product merry go round & not the latest flavor of OSR blogging marketing hotness I'm pretty much free to pick & choose the best adventures out there in the rpg wilds. This of course is subject to my opinion & as such the mileage may vary. I've had very good luck with Three Toad Stool products in the past & The Return Of The Blue Baron (A Collaborative Dungeon For Blueholme) From 3 Toadstools looks to be a blast to run.

I'll let you folks know because I'll actually be running this adventure in the Fall. Eric Fabiaschi Swords & Stitchery Blog

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[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for the review Eric, We appreciate it. Looking forward to hearing about your player's exploits in this adventure!
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