Marsh of the Wild Things is the first d20 adventure product from 12 to Midnight. This adventure is 46 pages long, and suitable for characters of 8th level. The adventure blends horror and high fantasy together and is setting generic, meaning that you can place this adventure in your setting of choice without any major modification. Marsh of the Wild Things sees the player characters exploring the wild marshes near the village of Flintpoint, and finding that it's a lot more dangerous and wild than they would've expected.
The product is very well-presented and looks professional. One of the first things you notice about it is that it's quite DM friendly, and would probably be quite suitable to newer DMs wanting to try their hand at running games. Each section of the adventure, for example, provides some useful reminders of the aim of each section, and advice on what the DM needs to remember for that particular section. It could probably have been expanded a bit to make it even more useful, but it was a neat little addition to the overall product.
Layout, editing, writing and art (Kim Feigenbaum's work was excellent on the interior art) were all very good, combining together to make a high standard of product. The bookmarks and contents page are probably some of the most detailed I've seen in a product. My only complaint was the maps and handouts - the grid lines on the maps are so thick that they often obscure what's behind it, while the writing in the handouts is such a scrawl that you have to strain to read it properly.
The product provides extensive details on the plot and background to the adventure, including scaling information, DMs background, plot synopsis, and a number of useful plot hooks. A few additional features are also included, such as advice on how to set the scene for the adventure and play notes - advice on using the adventure within a setting. The introduction provides a DM will loads of useful information and a good overview of the adventure. The plot synopsis in particular gives an overview of how the adventure is likely to play out. Not many contingencies are covered or really allowed for in the adventure, but players are given free reign and choice with regard to what they wish to do or not do.
The adventure starts in the village of Flintpoint. After a quick side quest at the behest of the village druid, things quickly go pear-shaped and the adventurers are drawn into the swamps where they face off against a tribe of troglodytes led by a creature with some rather unusual and powerful allies. The adventure takes place both within Flintpoint itself, but also in the cavern complexes that house the troglodytes and their formidable leader. There's good opportunity for roleplaying, although probably the larger portion of the adventure is devoted to combat encounters and the occasional trap. These provide a good challenge to the PCs, with plenty of combat variety and some enjoyable monster selections that should keep the PCs on their toes.
This is by no means a long adventure. There can't be more than two dozen or so encounters throughout the adventure, so it shouldn't take long to play through, although at this level some of the combat encounters can start taking a while. The encounter and descriptive text are both good and extensive, providing plenty of detail of notable features, and in particular on creature tactics and motivations. The latter makes the adventure far more dynamic, as the creatures interact with each other and those around them. Creature stats are provided in the appendix, along with personality, tactics and even common sayings for a particular NPC.
The adventure is by and large entertaining. Challenging and fun encounters, opportunity for roleplaying, interesting locations and encounter locations, and dynamic creatures with real motives and behaviours. It covers useful ground for newer DMs, but is meaty enough that more experienced DMs can easily do something good with the adventure. In the old end perhaps, it is a simple site-based adventure with the characters trawling through a cavern in search of their enemies. A good one, but still a simple adventure. I think, though, that by setting the mood of the adventure properly, this will be an entertaining evening of gaming consisting of what can be action-filled and grim fantasy.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Marsh of the Wild Things is a good and entertaining adventure. It's very DM friendly, providing a professional and easy to follow layout, with some challenging encounters. Good variety in encounters, and interesting locations.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Maps and handouts could be improved on, particularly with the font for the handouts and the heavy grid for the maps.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>