Overall, I did really enjoy this module. There are certainly parts that are rough around the edges, but over all it was super enjoyable! In fact one of the parts (with the mud) ended up taking us 20 minutes filled with racous laughter as one of my players continually kept rolling poorly and becoming disoriented, so at the very least that's certainly a fond memory that now lead to that character being extremely afraid of mud, haha.
I think some of the weaknesses lie in providing context to both the end goal and Wadamu. If the players don't think to present a certain item to the guide, you're left in an awkward spot of trying to help the plot along while sort of forgoing context which at the very least made my players mildly confused.
Over all, its extremely enjoyable but lacks in providing a proper flow of story beats and context as to what the players have to do. Beyond the story elements its extremely fun and will certainly engage your players as they brave the jungles of Chult.