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D&D Adventurers League Player & DM Pack
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Timofey B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/31/2018 04:45:28

I don't like what happened to rewards system with Season 8 introduction. Here is why: 1) Gold by "salary". Really? Really? What an adventurer wants to get salary? This ruins the point of adventure for nearly any character who is not, I guess, Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral (from capital letters). An even than, this hinders them from donating, for example, treasures stolen by Cult of the Dragon to the Temple of Tyr. Moreover, Wizards as a class turn into a beggar. Previously, finding a spellbook or a scroll was a wonderful boon for a wizard. A new opportunity to study! Now it just causes a thought "I can't afford that". 2) Item trade table barriers. Why so much? I think, that "tier-apprpopriateness" limitation is enough. It solves the issue of 5-th level wizard with staff of magi changed for Dawnbringer without further restrictions. I, personally, loved the trade system because it allowed to get any item your character fancies. Now it is not. 3) Treasure checkpoint system. I have so much to say. What is its purpose? To limit people from accumulating to many items and getting too powerful? To prevent situations when players do not take any items till, for example, tier 3, and snatch all the goodies from those who take items normally? Well, these issues are not solved. First of all, characters already overpowered do not get less powerful, becuase items are not wiped out. The system just prevents any new overpowered characters, which, in turn, creates a large gap in items and gold between characters created before season 8 and after. To my mind, this will cause much more frustration than playing with overpowered munchkins. Secondly, items-snatching issue could be solved by merging traditional items-taking and treasure-points system. Those who do not take the item get treasure points to purchase the item later. This will also solve the issue number 4). 4) New system stimulates characters singularity, conformity and homogenousness. Simply, if you have limited trasure points, you can only purchase the items required for "survival", such as wand of magic missiles for wizards, greatsword+1 for GWM fighters and the like. Both as a player and a DM, I have seen so much fun by characters taking and creatively using "non-optimal" items. Most of all in D&D I enjoy roleplaying, but I am afraid that Season 8 system fosters "best-in-slot" MMORPG philosophy. And I hate it. If I wanted play MMORPG, I would not leave my PC and read adventure books, collect dice, paint miniatures, draw grid maps, study Draconic.

In the new system, what is my motivation to play and DM Adventure League instead of home session?

[1 of 5 Stars!]
D&D Adventurers League Player & DM Pack
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Phil's Season 8 Adventurers League Logsheet
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Timofey B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2018 05:51:01

This log sheet is absolute bananas. Its design is simple and straightforward, which allows to minimize bookeeping. But the real diamond are comments and FAQ. They were the primary reason i bought this. They provide new players with guidance and old players with a good laugh and memory about good old days.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Phil's Season 8 Adventurers League Logsheet
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