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TiRoBEx - Tiny Robots, Big Explosions
Publisher: Project Good
by Calvin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2023 22:43:10

I want to like this project and its two expansions so much. Its wonderfully written and clearly has a lot of passion behind it. The part where this all breaks down is gameplay, unfortunately.

The best metaphor i have is "each robot has a 6mm pistol, and a radio that calls in an entire squadreon of a10 warhogs for close air support, but only enough energy to use one". The game boils down rapidly to staying out of line of sight, and then just nuking the other party with a maxed out area impact weapon. A weapon that has unlimited range, drops an enormous template, and cannot be saved against as long as LoS is had.

The other gripe i have is what i thought was the coolest part when i first bought it. Power allocation. I thought it was so neat to "route all power to this system" and kind of make your own stats on the fly. In practice is incredibly fiddly and takes about 5 minutes each time it happens. Which slows down play significantly with only one robot per person. Let alone if a single person controls several robots.

Lot of cool ideas for sure, but just a bit too clunky of a rule set along with some fiddly round to round math, and a giant disapointment when combat happens. Its not "avoid at all costs" bad, but its absolutely a "take inspiration from" system.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
TiRoBEx - Tiny Robots, Big Explosions
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CQB: Futuristic Skirmish Miniatures Rules
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Calvin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2019 17:32:23

Really generic wargame, nothing particularly special that isnt done better by other games. Would rate 3/5 if it wasnt a LIGHT version of a ruleset that is, in theory, coming down the pipes.

Not the worst way to spend 3 dollars, but those 3 dollars could be spent towards a much better product.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
CQB: Futuristic Skirmish Miniatures Rules
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Gang War: LA
Publisher: Guild of Blades
by Calvin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/20/2018 06:03:06


Several typos per page coupled with a snarky/condecending attitude make the rulebook really hard to read.

It says it offers "5 different gangs to play as", and while true, 4 of those gangs have absolutely no difference between them.

It says "do drive bys and commit atrocities", but in book it is quickly explained away as "Thats just normal combat".

It says it comes with many, many tokens to cut out. But all the tokens are visually identical across gangs. So your crypts hangers on looks EXACTLY like your blood hangers on. Leading to confusion and annoyance.

The game also advertises on its cover that it costs 3 bucks, and while i got it for 3.50, the full msrp of it is close to 6. Given the choice, i wouldnt of paid more than a dollar for this.

TLDR: Its like playing a game an edgy 13 year old made for a school project the day it was due while in study hall. Uninspired, anemic and brings nothing particularly worthwhile to the table that has not already been done better and cheaper.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Gang War: LA
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die! Die! DIE! The Family Game of Genocidal Warfare!
Publisher: Team Frog
by Calvin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/20/2018 05:55:05

Its a risk clone with a few extra tweeks to the formula. You have terrain features, you have differently powered units, you also have some light base building/economic bits.

Being said, i cannot shake how much this plays and reads like risk with precious little to add.

Also the "i spit on your grave" and "dead dead dead" expansions are not present in the game, despite the claim of being added before end of the year. This game was submitted in 2003

[2 of 5 Stars!]
die! Die! DIE! The Family Game of Genocidal Warfare!
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