Heady stuff and surprisingly horrific - the book pulls very few punches when it comes to emphasizing just how dark the life of a ghoul can really be. As this is a source book for a RPG of gothic horror, the relative hopelessness and degradation is suited to the topic, but the book does not necessarily lend itself to an especially inviting setting, although efforts are made to suggest ways in whch ghouls (as characters mixed in with Vampires and/or other supernatural and/or 'standard' humans) may be made playable, the somewhat depraved existence may not be to everyone's taste. It is, however, bang-on for what it tries to do and accomplishes all of its objectives with admirable skill.
Expands considerably on the Appendix from the core Vampire book, but it is really merely that. If you want to delve deeply into New Orleans (pre-Katrina) then this is definitely a winner. If you would prefer to stage your chronicles elsewhere, or if you are more inclined to remake New Orleans in a fashion more suited to the whims of your own characters & group, then this book is probably more then you really need.
A solid effort as a chronicle book; the content makes for a fairly epic narrative weaving in and out of the collapse of the Roman world and the inevitable dawning of the 'modern nights' as more popularly portrayed in the Vampire line. Strictly for those who want to play in that arena, however. This is, at heart, merely a chronicle book devoted to the nights of ancient Rome and if you have a penchant for historical gameplay, then this is a stellar piece of work. If your interests do not lie with the past, little here will serve to pull you in.
A solid effort, but one that sometimes feels a bit underwhelming - owing, perhaps, to the 'hands-off' approach of the covenant. The implied emphasis on allowing Vampires to find their own way in the night does tend to mean that there is less 'covenant dogma' here then there is in some of the other, comparable sourcebooks. The addition of 'Carthian Law' is by far the meatiest discovery to be had - and while it may not be a chronicle altering development, it does suecceed in putting a definite (and consistent) flavor to any Carthian domain - regardless of the specifics of the doman's politics, or lack thereof. An interesting book, but one that still somehow manages to feel just a bit light - perhaps rightly so, where it is based on the youngest major covenant.
A fascinating treatment of a fascinating covenant - and one that tackles the somewhat counter-intuitive 'truth' that most Acolyte cults have very little in common. As opposed to crafting a firm take on the greater covenant, this books revels (and invites players & storytellers too as well) in the often divided, often splintered outlook of cults throughout the World of Darkness. There is also some effort made to reconcile Vampires to the spirit world as it is portrayed in the other lines (particularly Werewolf) which may be helpful for those groups who blur the lines between the major supernatural races. A very strong resource.
The clan books that have been released for Vampire have generally been good; this one is certainly one of the best. The writing style and array of faux-primary documentation goes a long way toward inviting the reader to feel as though he were a part of the clan and the art here is impressive, even by the relatively high standards of the line. Much of the book is more narrative than practical - in a rules sense - but there remain many tasty morsels of mechanical enhancements here to adopt or deny as may be dictated by the needs of your gaming group. Certainly those with a passion for the Daeva will find the most value here, but there is ample satisfaction for any follower of the larger Vampire line.
A good effort, and one that throws a surprising amount of depth and history toward a 'covenant' that otherwise is/was a bit one dimensional. Gone are the days when the Brood were just a bunch of random nuts that could conveniently pop up to imperil the masquerade and force a physical climax to a story. Instead, they remain fairly evil creatures - but like any good villain, fairly evil creatures who believe that they have a legitimate position to defend. A good mix of mechanical tweaks and narrative background and one that lends a significant depth and plausible motivation to what has otherwise been a largely one-dimensional vampiric villian.
A fun little addition to the line - non-existent in a mechanical sense, but an intriguing read, nevertheless. Further, and given the weight with which the myth of Longinus carries in 'Requiem' (whether you happen to be a follower or not), it is an impressive bit of colour to have the Testament on hand to quote from or deningrate as needs be. For the negligble cost, the value of having this around is undeniable.
Admittedly, this is a book which shows its greatest value for players and/or storytellers who are very heavily into the Mekhet as a clan - but even to step back from the Mekhet enthusiast, the sheer volume of potential ideas that lurks within this expansion demands some appreciation. Much of the book is structured in the first person - with the layout, formatting and language all conspiring to give you the feeling that you are carefully working your way through primary sources. It is a delightful volume to page through, and the information - some foregrounded, some implied and some almost hidden on a first pass - lends significant depth to the clan and to the larger spectrum of vampirism in the World of Darkness as well. The book concludes with some straight mechanical additions (shadow cults, bloodlines and the like) which offer some helpful and immediate expansions to the standard rules. A very strong entry from a very strong line.
Perhaps moreso than some other White Wolf books, 'The Blood' is probably going to find a limited audience. For enthusiastic players & storytellers of 'Vampire/Requiem,' there is a lot to love in this book, but a more casual follower of the line may not find so much of value, here. 'The Blood' aims more for giving the shade of life to much of what may otherwise just be the mechanical aspects of what vampirism is in White Wolf's world and in that, it works spectacularly well. You come away with a much better sense of how it may feel to be immortal, to be undead and to mystically augment yourself and your abilities - but still and all, the addition is largely a matter of colour and shading. There are no particular story hooks or mechanical tweaks to the game to be found, which is not a bad thing - but it bears noting, all the same. A fascinating read and an expansion that can give a lot of depth to your game, but not one that is strictly necessary if your interest in the line is only passing or tangential to the others.
A very solid addition (or end?) to the Werewolf/Forsaken line, which boasts a very thorough and entertaining look at each of the five auspices. Structually, it reads a bit like a slightly lighter version of the 5 clanbooks released for 'Vampire,' especially insofar as much of the material is presented as faux-primary documentation. The style works well and it gives the NWOD Werewolf mythos a nice weight in pseudo-historical background. The final chapter is a winner as well - presenting auspice specific storytelling tips and offering a few new auspices as well - if you are looking to diversify your werewolves even further. A definite winner all around, and a valuable resource.
A very solid book giving a very complete and generally unbiased perspective on the signature 'villains' for Werewolf: The Forsaken. Happily, the book doesn't make any special effort to make the Pure more humane - they remain a fairly viscious bunch - but the motivations and beliefs of each of the three tribes are explored with sufficient depth to make a solid counterpoint to the Forsaken. Ample game play additions (lodges, gifts and the like) balance out the narrative nuggets, and the addition of Santa Fe as a 'new' setting is a welcome (if unexpected) bonus. Light cannot be defined without a countering darkness, and this book does a fine job of shading in the details of Pure culture & mentality. Excellent resource for storytellers and - potentially - players alike.
This is largely more of a narrative sourcebook than a mechanical one, although there are a few gameplay tweaks scattered throughout, most noticeably for use with the wolf-blooded kin to the werewolves of the main line. The exploration of what being a werewolf (or 'merely' wolf blooded) in the new WOD means is definitely worth the price of admission, however. There is a tremendous depth of information here and it is invaluable for players and storytellers alike. While much of it may forever remain 'off-screen,' it will definitely make for a more informed roleplaying experience. A must buy, made even better by the stellar and inspiring accompanying artwork - but bear in mind that the information is much more narrative than mechanical.
A stellar addition which offers a considerable greater bounty than the title may suggest. Although the Pure do factor into the book, it is less about an ultimate confrontation with them than it is about the effects of any sort of war on the Forsaken. In that respect, it does slightly echo 'Dogs of War,' except with a much tigher focus on werewolves. It also dovetails very slightly with 'Changing Breeds,' with the addition of alternate shapechanging breeds with which the Forsaken may ultimately come to clash. Overall, however, the focus remains on what it may mean for the Forsaken to go to war - regardless of what form the war may take. Whether against the titular Pure, a previously unknown race of shifters or a reflection of a historical human conflict, this book encompasses all of the rules tweaks and story hooks to see your pack off to war. An impressive expansion to the core book.
Another solid and helpful addition to the new WOD Werewolf line, fully up to the usual standards in terms of art, format and design. The focus of the book is largely narrative and each chapter takes the time to explore what the mechanics of the game really would feel like to a character 'inside the system.' A plethora of new fetishes and gifts add a few new toys to play with as well. A helpful book for those wishing to get more deeply into the world as it pertains to this particular gaming line.