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Filler spot colour - event: dragon conversation - RPG Stock Art $4.00
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Filler spot colour - event: dragon conversation - RPG Stock Art
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Filler spot colour - event: dragon conversation - RPG Stock Art
Publisher: Dean Spencer Art
by Itai A. R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/02/2023 11:13:57

Like others, I use a lot of Dean's art pieces for our products. We use a lot of the black and white stuff. I had to have this, because I wnated to portary a diplomatic dragon in our "Nine Dragons" book, and the scene, with the head dwarfing the woman, even though she is showen almost as a full body person, and the dragon just the head, the dragon dominates the scene.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Filler spot colour - event: dragon conversation - RPG Stock Art
Publisher: Dean Spencer Art
by Kim F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2022 06:32:52

Dean has, hands down, the best stock art available. It's all made by him, with none of the AI-stuff involved - something I'm grateful for, as his pieces have soul.

Each piece is of excellent quality and the thumbnails reflect everything you get, which is perfect. More than that, each piece actually has specific sizes listed, so that you're sure it'll fit into whatever you are making.

The piece itself is one of the few that doesn't show an agressive or sleeping dragon. I really dig that it's a "your character can TALK to this monster" (or it can talk to you at least) which gives it a lot of flexibility.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Filler spot colour - event: dragon conversation - RPG Stock Art
Publisher: Dean Spencer Art
by James D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/06/2018 12:47:37

We may be leaving the same review on all of the artwork we purchased from Dean here, but there is a reason: everything we pick up from him is exceptional. We use it all - b&w spot art, full-page color works, and everything-in-between. We go looking for artwork with a concept in mind and one of the very first places we go is right to Dean Spencer and his page. We follow him on Patreon because we know that he will continue to produce nothing but quality - even if what he brings out does not match what we are looking for at present. We come back time and time again for more to hold in reserve because when it comes time to find artwork he is always in our Top Three for choices. Need a cover? He's got you "covered." (Sorry for the pun, but it works). Need color artwork? Black & white? Big options? Small? No matter the need, he's probably got something you'll love. We use his artwork for our books, but I also pick up his artwork for personal things as well, things I can use for my own gaming group to give them illustrations to view on-screen and the like so they have more than just words and imagination. It's always great to describe a scene to them, maybe a magic circle or something...and then produce a picture of it for them to decipher or just to enhance the scene. Take a look through his stuff. You will not be disappointed.

On a side note, this is one of my recent personal favorites. I imagine the dragon is thinking, "We can talk. I can always eat you later."

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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