This module provides a small, fun adventure that can serve as a starting adventure. There is not a realy precedent for combat so RP takes the spotlight. The adventures arrive in a small town were a festival is beign prepared. However the festival and the villagers have som ulterior motives.
I shall phrase my review in a few bullet points.
Good parts:
-At the start a small explanation/backstory is given, it provides enough information.
-The different segments of the module are color coded.
-Some NPC's are provided, including quotes, flaws, ideals etc.
-The festival provides several different activities such as wrestling or dancing. DC's are provided were neccerary.
-The writing is good and functional but not outstanding.
-The writer provides several options, depending on the choices the players make.
Parts that can be improved:
-Personaly (others might disagree) I think the color scheme and formatting used is very ugly.
-It misses some form of summary or mindmap that a DM can use to make more sense of the progression and possibilities.
-Some more/other activities or mysterious NPC's would be nice.
-There is no map or overview of the town.
Other note:
-This type of adventure might not be for everyone, it is lighthearted almost childish with no real possibilty for combat. This is neither a negative or good part but it is worth mentioning.