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[SUPERS RED]Improbable Tales: Helicarrier Heist $2.39
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[SUPERS RED]Improbable Tales: Helicarrier Heist
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[SUPERS RED]Improbable Tales: Helicarrier Heist
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by YANN E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/01/2020 18:16:38

I'm not totally convinced by the Supers Red version of this adventure (I have the original Icons one). Reason number one is common to Icons version : there are a lot of random encounters table which reminds me of a fantasy dungeon and that's not something I expect from a superhero adventure. Reason number two is specific to Supers version: Supers has Mooks and Henchmen simple rules which are not used here. Each mook is fully created like a full fledged super-villain and not with the simpler mook or Henchmen rating. That's more a character to character conversion than a rule conversion so the adaptation is not entirely correctly done. The adventure is still good however and that's why I give it three stars.I'm not totally convinced by the Supers Red version of this adventure (I have the original Icons one). Reason number one is common to Icons version : there are a lot of random encounters table which reminds me of a fantasy dungeon and that's not something I expect from a superhero adventure. Reason number two is specific to Supers version: Supers has Mooks and Henchmen simple rules which are not used here. Each mook is fully created like a full fledged super-villain and not with the simpler mook or Henchmen rating. That's more a character to character conversion than a rule conversion so the adaptation is not entirely correctly done. The adventure is still good however and that's why I give it three stars

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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