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50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests $6.95
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50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
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50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Raluca R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2022 10:30:42

That certainly does improve my rating, as I purchased this mostly to avoid self-search times for such a bundle. Appreciate your reply. I hope this edits my previous review, rather than add a new one, this site is very hard to navigate. If it adds a new one, I shall delete the old one if I can.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Well, you make a convincing case. Originally, I didn't want to include them since they are more or less readily available on, but I at least added nails and such, so I guess it's ok. You'll find a new file titled "20221126_SingleNotesEmpty" in the product with the notes. So, have fun! And, you know, hopefully, that increases your satisfaction with the title ;)
All good, worked like a charm! Thanks, and I wish you tons of fun ;)
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Casandra F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2019 12:28:01

My players recently had a foray into a large city and as a first time DM, I did not feel prepared. They weren't going to be staying in the city long, more of a stop over to purchase some new weapons and supplies, so I didn't want to delve too deeply into the cities lore. This was perfect to provide a little more immersion. So far, they've played through two of the encounters. My fighter was thrilled to find the Pit fights and the whole crew enjoyed placing their bets. Thanks for the inspiration and well made product. I look forward to using more of these in my game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brian W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2019 12:47:20

This was nearly perfect to my needs! I run sandbox campaigns exclusively. While I usually have a larger narrative planned, I always enjoy giving my players plenty of other things to do when they need a distraction, and so I use a "notice board" kind of setup in most towns. This dovetails nicely into what I do, and relieves at least some of the prep time.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by P.S.O. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2018 02:31:08

I've been looking for a way to include some more down time activities in my campaign (the campaign being Tales of the Yawning Portal. Hey, I'm new and also a bit lazy...). So far I've managed to connect the different tales quite nicely, but my players feel the need to flesh out their characters a bit more. One of them (a female tiefling ranger) would like to pick up carpentry (don't ask); another one (a male orc barbarian) managed to pick up a sheep along the way, and now wants to spend some time with an animal handler to learn how to take care of it and maybe teach it a combat trick or two...

Anyway, so there's a certain need to hang around in a town for a while. Now rather than me just saying "ok, six months have passed and you are now all proficient in whatever skill/trade you set out to learn" I like to actually let that take some time. And that means staying at an inn, having to pay for your food and lodging, and thus having to find the odd job to keep the coinpurse filled and the innkeeper happy.

Enter the notice board.

There's 9 boards with a total of 50 quests, which will keep us going for a while. My guesstimate is that the quests take anywhere from half an hour to an entire session to complete. The quests are presented as a short outline, which is just enough to get inspired, and leaves plenty of room to get creative. I love that. Depending on how you run them the quests can be as combat heavy or as RP heavy as you like, though in general the RP element seems to be slightly more pronounced. (By the way: the author also offers a couple of quests that are written out more fully (e.g. 'Forced Labor' and 'Rok & Rowl') and I recommend you get those as well.)

Design and presentation are superb. I've printed the boards on A3-sized paper (297 x 420 mm or 11,7 x 16,5 inches) and actually stick them on the wall while running our game - just like the real thing. My players love it!

In another review I read something along the lines of 'too much of it is just for a laugh'. Though I understand why you might feel that way, I most definitely and whole-heartedly disagree. First of all: there is no such thing as too much laughter (OK, that just my opinion). And second: whether you run these quests tongue-in-cheek or totally seriously is up to you as a DM. Yes, even the one about the missing pantaloons can be extremely serious. What if Duke Livingstone finds out? Will there be repercussions? Assassinations? Civic unrest?

Considering the amount of fun we are going to have with them, these notice boards are worth every penny two times over. At least.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review! :D If you feel like it share the shenanigans your players get themselves into in the discussion of the product. I just love to hear what people make of it! For example, I ran Forced Labor and Rok & Rowl back to back for my players. Everything intermingled and Lord Juzibell was resurrected on the gallows because the players organized a concert right on the town market to commemorate the execution. It was awesome :D
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Dennis P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2018 23:54:44

I am really happy with this product! I thought there was going to be some blank templets as well but saw that the author has posted a link to the pages already.

You can tell a good amount of work went into this. If you would be willing to help I would appreicate a link to some of the fonts as well.

In general this is exactly what I was expecting, to everyone else 10/10 would buy again.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review! I posted the names of all the used fonts on the product page. You can find the fonts with a quick search on I was limited to the commercially free fonts, but if you use them privately you have access to many more awesome fonts on that website. This website is also a good resource for fonts:
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Samantha D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/01/2018 16:19:07

I misunderstood when buying this (my fault not theirs) that this would be a template, so it woul dhave the notice board black as well as some blank quest sheets so you could make your own quests. However, I do like the quests that it came with!! I just wish that it also included the same 'papers' that the quests came on just blank so you could fill in your own. Gave it five stars though because the quality of what it is is amazing, great writing and i love how different the pieces all look.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for the review! You can find all the paper textures I used on the website ( Most of them already come with a transparent background which is awesome!
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2018 09:21:09

I love side quests and this is a gold mine of them. Twenty-seven pages (subtracting the cover and credits pages) and 50 quests!

And all of it so nicely illustrated that I could see myself printing the notice boards in full cover to simply distribute to my players on game night. I especially like the pictures on the notices. (My favorite is the notice from the illiterate berserker.) The PDF is divided into nine notice boards, each one with the illustration of the board itself and then a plain-print version with description.

To be honest, if you run a deadly serious game you may not get much use from this. A lot of these vary between whimsical and tongue-in-cheek.

But if you run a flavorful town where the locals are eccentric or oddball and there is adventure and secrets around every corner, this is a good supplement.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by JB L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 18:32:47

I saw this and thought "oh snap! I inspired other people to do notice board quests! That's cool. And was going to just chalk it up to the economy of the world. Then a friend of mine said "Wow... what if they copied all of your quests?" So I had to buy it and make sure.

I like the presentation being on tons of different nocie boards - it looks really good that way. A little hard to read on some of the fonts, but overall it's nice.

The biggest problem here, in my opinion, is that a lot of the quests are just for a laugh: "I need cats and dogs and hedgehogs... and other things. -Torsten from the Stinky House" "Most of those poor souls are missing blood; lots of tasty tasty blood." "The pantaloons of our dear lord mayor ... are missing." "May the tenant of room 13... be so kind to return... pay the outstanding rent and remove the summoned spectator?"

I can tell a LOT of work went into this thing, but so many of the notices are unpolished and rife with gimmick (like a notice from an emmesary of Glasya, archdutchess of Malbolge in the nine hells asking for souls) that I doubt half of them will be used very much - which is a damn shame considering the time and effort put into the presentation and the various NPC names.

The PDF even has suggested maps (though i see no artist source or credit? That makes me wary) and suggested outcomes to the various quests, including tons of NPCs.

If your campaign is a little slapstick, very light hearted, or you really love the presentation of Notice boards - I do think you could be happy with this product. I'd love to see the sheer amount of time and energy in this paired with a more thoughtful/useable set of quests.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello JB L., I'm sad to hear that some of the fifty quests don't fit the style of your campaign. I hope you can enjoy the rest of them nevertheless! On the other hand, I'm glad to hear that you found no problem with the presentation and the overall quality of the product. I always put in a 100% and make sure that my customers get a solid product for the price they pay. I always enjoyed the idea of quests you can find on notice boards, for example in the cRPG Dragonage which was released in 2009. The special thing about notice boards is that there is no quality control concerning the posted notes and the notes do not need to adhere to any strict guidelines or format. If you fear that someone copied your work or the work of others you can report the title using the 'Report this title' button or you can send an e-mail directly to There is no need to buy the product beforehand, and I can offer you one of my other products as compensation. I always make sure to properly attribute the work of 3rd parties in the section titled 'Credits'. There you can find the sources of all the used pictures and here you can find information about the legal side of things: Regards, Christian Eichhorn
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