The best Savage Worlds book I've ever used, and my favourite OSR system. I love the random character and dungeon generator!
A great supplement to the best Savage Worlds book around!
Along with the world of Xoth, this is the best Conan-inspired sword & sorcery setting around. It's not just Conan with the serial numbers filed off though: the world has its own familiar but fresh flavour that I really enjoy.
But the setting is not just fluff; there's lots of great mechanics in here to emulate the genre. The arcane backgrounds (Sorcery, Lotus Mastery, Enlightenment) are excellent additions, and the edges (like the brilliant Loincloth Hero for playing bare-chested barbarians, and Hand-and-a-Half for wielding bastard swords) are all very well-done. Then there's also a lot of thematic gear like scythed-wheel chariots, Amazon ships, etc.
Though not in this book, there's plenty of very good original sword & sorcery adventures available for this setting as well.
The art is generally very good as well. My only complaint would be that there's a few pieces, which I believe are backers' faces, which look a bit weird and out of place.
Another great guide from Richard Woolcock (Zadmar)! He's got a lot more useful Savage Worlds content on his website as well.
This is the best generic system I've ever played or read. It's simple to teach to new players (I've taught people to play who have never even played video game rpgs) and quick to run: you can run interesting tactical battles with 20 adversaries per side that go just as quickly as a typical D&D fight with 5 players vs 5 monsters. It's very flexible and easy to hack for almost any sort of game you want to run, from space opera to old school dungeon crawling.
A great resource for pulp sci-fi. Whether you're running Flash Gordon, Slipstream, or some other setting, there's a ton of nice edges, hindrances, gear, creatures, and adventure ideas to mine from this book. The art is beautiful, and I especially like all the clippings from the comics everywhere.
This is an awesome companion for anyone wanting to run an old-school D&D-style dungeon crawl in Savage Worlds. There are some really nice random hero and dungeon generators, and the usage die is a clever abstract way to track torches without having to keep time. The simple encumbrance system, like Zadmar's in his Savage Armoury supplement, allows you to easily track how much loot and gear your heroes are carrying without getting bogged down with pedantic calculations. The only thing I think is missing from the old-school experience is some hexcrawl rules, but hopefully there will be a further supplement for these.
This is grotesque and weird horror-science-fantasy, and I love it!
This book is amazing! I love the sword & sorcery setting, and even if you don't run Dungeon Crawl Classics (I prefer to use Savage Worlds) this book is full of useful tools to make your game world come alive.
Awesome! I absolutely love Lankhmar, and I'm so glad to see a Lankhmar setting book for my favourite RPG. I like the magic system, which uses casting modifiers rather than power points.
One of my all-time favourite RPG books. I play Savage Worlds rather than LotFP, but I still often read this book because of its awesome flavour and excellent advice for running city campaigns. Vornheim is definitely the most compelling fantasy city I've ever seen in an RPG.
A really quick and fun adventure if you don't have much time to prep and need a filler for a session. It's great for starting off a campaign because you will have time to build characters and finish the adventure in the same evening.
The adventure involves tracking down some degenerate creatures through an underground maze, with random hazards provided by card draws. My players had a good time with it.
As a big fan of classic sword & sorcery, I really love Beasts & Barbarians. In my opinion, it is the best sword & sorcery rpg product on the market for a variety of reasons:
Most importantly, the mechanics work very well. Savage Worlds is already an excellent system for pulp adventure: it's fast, simple, and fun, without being dumbed down. Beasts & Barbarians was obviously written with the Savage Worlds rules system in mind, and features a great variety of cleverly designed edges and hindrances that ooze with Sword & Sorcery flavour. For example, the Loincloth Hero/Bikini Heroine edge lets you make a free soak roll for each wounding attack as long as you are unarmored. This makes a bare-chested barbarian feel very different from a heavily armored hoplite, while remaining effective in combat. The magic system is also well-designed to emulate sword & sorcery literature. Even if you prefer using another setting like Conan's Hyborian Age or Morten Braten's Xoth, it's worth getting this book just for the mechanics.
There are a lot of well-written adventures and supplements to support the setting. If you're busy like me and don't have much time to come up with your own adventures, there are plenty of published ones to chose from. Even if you don't use the published lore for Beasts & Barbarians, the adventures easily adapt to other setting; just change up some names and you're good to go.
- The setting lore feels familiar but fresh. Beasts & Barbarians doesn't reinvent the wheel: its world has all the important sword & sorcery tropes you expect to see, like Amazons, barbarians, horse-nomads, and vile sorcerers, but it doesn't just plagiarize existing sword & sorcery lore. There's a section devoted to each culture, to give you a feel for how to roleplay them. This is very nice for GMs who just want a pre-made world to use, so that they can focus on running the adventures and roleplaying.
If you're a fan of sword & sorcery, I can't recommend this setting book highly enough. If you are currently playing a reskinned D&D or Pathfinder game to get your sword & sorcery fix, as I once did, I encourage you to give Beasts & Barbarians a try instead.