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Almost Heroic Presents: Skill Challenges
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jacob W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/15/2018 11:34:28

So glad that this is out in a written format for DMs to use! I just started listening to the Almost Heroic podcast and was instantly drawn in by the idea of Skill Challenges. 5e is the only system I've ever used for D&D, so I had no previous experience with the idea. I love how the system also for dynamic, interesting scenes for the players without having to relying on the often slow combat system of 5e. The PDF explains the Skill Challenge adaption clearly and provides great examples. I was hoping to add something new to my sessions this weekend, so thanks for the timely release GDDM and Almost Heroic!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Almost Heroic Presents:  Skill Challenges
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the wonderful review and for listening to the podcast! I've been wanting to put this out for a while, and have been typing the system up in messages to people before I decided to actually publish it. Let me know how they work out in your games!
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