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Generic Adventure Magazine #1, May 2018 $2.00
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Generic Adventure Magazine #1, May 2018
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Generic Adventure Magazine #1, May 2018
Publisher: PenguinComics
by Bruce L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2018 12:18:01

The magazine is short, which is why I took off one pip in the rating. Aside from that, the article is spot on. It covers the topic of speed-writing an adventure quite well. I look forward to applying the techniques. It seems so easy, and obvious, once the author points it all out... "Why didn't I think of that?" To me, that is a sign of some genius work at hand. Looking forward to the next one. This is definitely worth the cost for the 'how to' article.

Some nice artwork, decent, artistic layout, well done, really. I suspect the author will continue to improve his offerings over time. I look forward to seeing more from him. Cheers!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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