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Bexim's Bazaar Gaming Magazine Issue #03
Publisher: The Tabletop Engineer
by Andy G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2019 21:50:47

Not really much of a publication or magazine. There are plenty of placeholders for articles that do not exist yet and advertisements requesting people to submit content for future publications. What this does have is plenty of advertisements, as well as articles that are merely poorly disguised advertisements, such as one explaining the basics of how to play a game, just buy the players handbook for only $20. There are also some painting instructions, very similar to the kind that you get with the purchase of a mini painting kit, but not as well written and assuming you already know the basics. There also are a few articles about 3D printing but as I do not own a 3D printer I cannot accurately comment. What's left are primarily maps without actual adventures, extremely short one-shots and a lot of very cheesy tables to roll on for various reasons. All of it riddled with spelling and syntax errors. Ultimately, a great deal of effort did go into this publication in collecting all the articles, tables and artwork and paying contributors, however I feel that given the flaws and lack of content as well as the fact that this publication also contains advertisements, $3 is an awful lot to ask.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Bexim's Bazaar Gaming Magazine Issue #03
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Creator Reply:
Andy, I'm not sure if you're writing about Issue 0 or Issue 3. Issue 3 has 118 pages, only about 20 of those are advertisements... the rest are How To articles, tutorials, random tables and more. Issue 0 was offered for free as an example of what the magazine was aiming for, but again... the articles easily outnumbered the advertisements. I hope you'll reconsider your review as Issue 3 was the largest issue to date at 118 pages for only $2.00.
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Andy G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2018 17:26:11

Not really very good. Lots of extremely overpowered abilities. Better versions of the abilites of other classes. Cherry picked favorites from other classes. No real cohesion. Also I don't understand the flavor. What mists is this walking. Ranger and druids are nature. Paladins are religious warriors, barbarians are violent ragers, etc. This has some kind of unexplained magical mist that does not exist in any campaign world except Ravenloft as far as I'm aware, and this doesn't seem particularly flavored for Ravenloft.

Also appears unfinished. Description mentions they use bows, however bows are not weapon they are proficient with, nor do they get a specialization for it.

Mistwalk ability is seriously OP. Teleport unlimited times as a move action and/or a bonus action, doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity nor can it be interrupted.

Edit: I have now played a campaign with a player using a Mist Walker. I have to say after having this experience, this class is even more broken than previously thought. Our party had 6 players, 2 tanks, 2 casters and a monk in addition to the mist walker. Using point buy stats. The Mist Walker had the highest AC, highest HP, and a higher attack bonus than anyone else. They were never in base contact with an enemy when it was the enemies turn to attack. An attack of opportunity was never made on them. They never even took any damage!! They tied for second highest damage in the party (being only outdone by a wizard) It wasn't even fun to play with one in the party because they did everything the other classes could do, but better.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
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