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The Mist Walker - 5e Class
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The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Dustin T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2022 12:39:41

This is a neat idea. Without multiclassing this is a great class. In practice this becomes a one level dip to get unlimited misty step and a + to AC that equals an unlimited blade song (that can also stack with blade song using the same stat) is just a bit much.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Stacy J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/12/2022 09:59:03

This Subclass is Amazingly well done, im still trying to find time to incorporate it into a DNDBeyond character their system is very hard to add custom content (or at least it was last time I tried to add it). I gave it 5 stars because of all of the complexity involved in creating this Well Done!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Alexander D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/14/2019 09:37:40

I'll start by saying that all of the writing is top notch and that the production values in this PDF are amazing. The look and feel of the product makes it seem like the classes pages were actually an ommitted part of the players handbook. I also don't have any doubt that this is a fun class for the players.

But there's a galring, gaping flaw. This class is completely broken. Having unlimitted teleportation starting at level 1 is completely unbalanced and not fun for any one else at the table, especially your monk who gets a limitted use, limmited scope teleport at a much higher level. Worse yet is that the class didn't really lose anything else with the levels to compensate. It progresses, at minimum, at least as well as any other class without factoring in the unlimitted teleport (which gets more and more broken as the class levels).

I understand that he said he playtested it and his players loved it.... Of course they did. They got to play an OP class.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Andy G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2018 17:26:11

Not really very good. Lots of extremely overpowered abilities. Better versions of the abilites of other classes. Cherry picked favorites from other classes. No real cohesion. Also I don't understand the flavor. What mists is this walking. Ranger and druids are nature. Paladins are religious warriors, barbarians are violent ragers, etc. This has some kind of unexplained magical mist that does not exist in any campaign world except Ravenloft as far as I'm aware, and this doesn't seem particularly flavored for Ravenloft.

Also appears unfinished. Description mentions they use bows, however bows are not weapon they are proficient with, nor do they get a specialization for it.

Mistwalk ability is seriously OP. Teleport unlimited times as a move action and/or a bonus action, doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity nor can it be interrupted.

Edit: I have now played a campaign with a player using a Mist Walker. I have to say after having this experience, this class is even more broken than previously thought. Our party had 6 players, 2 tanks, 2 casters and a monk in addition to the mist walker. Using point buy stats. The Mist Walker had the highest AC, highest HP, and a higher attack bonus than anyone else. They were never in base contact with an enemy when it was the enemies turn to attack. An attack of opportunity was never made on them. They never even took any damage!! They tied for second highest damage in the party (being only outdone by a wizard) It wasn't even fun to play with one in the party because they did everything the other classes could do, but better.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Rick M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2018 01:33:18

Hello Cody,

First, I have enjoyed much of your T20 content, thank you!

Second, tried opening the download later and it worked; hazzah!

Your Mist Walker presents many entertaining possibilities.

Now, since you have asked the public to "poke" at it; allow me to throw a few questions and ideas your way.

Mist Walker (MstW) = a little bit OP. You may be sick of reading that, but you asked for it baby!

How well does the MstW fair in battles compared to other fighter classes?

There are SO MANY abilities, why would I play any other class that has a 1d10 Hit Die? The MstW seems to be a magic fighter; a fighter that is magical.

Does a 10th lvl Mist Walker "substantially kick more ass" versus a foe compared to a 10th lvl Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin or Ranger against the same foe?

Suggestion: Hit Die @ 1d8. MstW seems like a fighter sub class, but with a whole lot of magic abilities. Therefore HD @ 1d8.

Given there are SO many abilities stacking up in this class, what is the Mist Walkers' "kryptonite?" Maybe there needs to be a balancing weakness in this class if ALL of the abilities are going to remain canon. Remember in the early editions of the monster manual when some monsters had a weakness? They could be very hard to kill, unless you knew their weakness, then it became a more even battle.

Is/should "mist" be a literal component for some abilities to work properly?

"Mist" could imply humidity and/or darkness. A limiting factor in using some abilities could be night time. Or MstWs may have a disadvantage versus fire attacks. Or fire attacks could nerf/disspell an active Mist ability.

Some Fey creatures have abilities that only work during dawn and dusk. Do Mist abilities work in the Desert, where there is no humidity?

Are all Mist abilities "instant" abilities? Should they be?

Perhaps between 3rd and 10th level during the daytime there is an aura of mist surrounding a MstW character. After 10th level maybe the MstW has more control and is able to disapate the mist aura at will, so as not to give away class or that abilities are being used.

ASIDE: How would a peasant react to a warm blooded wraith walking around town in broad daylight!?

NOTE: a lot of abilities trigger at 3rd level, you may want to spread these out more; 4th, 5th, 6th etc. The other thing about so many abilities activating at 3rd level is that it makes the "format" of the class a bit confusing to remember what abilities become active at which level. (not a clean read yet)

Nerf all the "half movement" crap until 10th+ level, or nerf it altogether. You either use the mist ability or you don't, can't have it both ways.

Artwork = GOOD (now throw in a graphic of a female MstW, but please keep it classy)

The bottom right of page 10 has open spot for a female graphic.

Cody, thanks again for all you do to make fantasy gaming more accessable and enjoyable!


RamBlade#7982 on Discord

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I'm sorry you're having difficulties. I would reach out to Customer Service for DriveThruRPG to see if they can help. Unfortunately, I have no idea on what might be causing the issue from the Publisher Dashboard. Once you get it fixed, I would love to see a genuine review of the class itself. Happy Gaming!
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Brandon V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2018 18:28:06

This class is very well balanced. It's variability between damage and field control is most appealing! Hats off!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Cyra C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2018 15:39:46

This class is well put together. It has nice art, seems to understand 5e (outside of some grips about it's use of floating modifiers), and will not instantly break your game. The concept is cool, and clearly a lot of work was put into it.

The problem with this class is not necessarily that it is too strong, but that it is too hard to challenge. I think the balancing factor of it is that it does not do all that much damage (though you can get good damage from it). The issue, and why I won't allow it as an option for my players, is that it Mist Walk just serves as a trump card to too much content. Due to how it is written (not using the creatures movement speed) it has some less obvious power such as eliminating the movement penalty of halfings and dwarves to some more drastic effects like making the Mist Walker essentially immune to prone, grappled, restrained, etc.

These guys are going to sail through infilitration, traps, etc. They make a flying race look like a chump when it comes to the non-combat pillars of content. Doors, traps, pits, Walls of Force... there is no obstacle that will slow these guys down. That is going to heavily impact how you have to design encounters. Something like a Roper is just entirely ineffective against these guys. Just think of them as have permenant always on Misty Step, but better. Especially when you get to higher level and the distance they can travel gets absurd, you will just never be able to present a meaningful obstacle to a player with this class, and they won't even have to spend any resources to do it, and to me, that's a deal breaker.

...and we should probably talk about that they get that at level 1, so... basically everyone, ever, is going to take a level in this class if you do multiclassing with optimization monkeys in the parties. I don't know if I hold class designers responsible for mulitclass, but my inclination is yes, and this is pretty ridiculous on that front. It should also be noted this is a high complexity class, sort of like the UA Mystic (though not quite as bad). In play as a DM you'll have to keep the class document next to for the "you can do what??" moments that will come up with fair regularity.

I think it's definitely interesting. There's a lot of cool stuff here; I enjoyed reading through, and I like a lot of the people that worked on it (I follow Cody's YouTube channel) but, ultimately, I can't recommend it as a class that you can use, as, personally as a DM, I'm not going to add it to the list of classes I let players pick from, so its just something interesting to read through.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Mathias H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2018 04:20:46

This is real nice, exactly the kind of class I always yearned for. Some really powerful abilites, though not to overpower due to some smart restrictions. Really love the mist walker and can't wait to play one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Jason S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 20:36:57

So far so good. This product is great because it provides a nice change of scenery when creating character concepts. It is a very versitile class that would allow multiple peaple to play this class in the same setting/campaign, while also giving them everything they need to accomplish their goals.
Go River Gnome Mist Walker!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Justin H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 13:51:34

A very cool concept for a D&D class! I can't wait to try it out in our next campaign!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Daniël v. d. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 13:41:55

I like it. What I also enjoy is that it's a class that uses intelligence, a stat that doesn't always get supported in 5e (In my opinion).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Benjamin A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 12:20:37

I always wanted to have a highly mobile class in D&D 5e. Had a very fun one shot evening with a high level Mist Walker. Trying to convince my DM to allow homebrew classes for the campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Collin G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 09:28:18

Well Written, great art, and overall a new and unique idea that isn't represented by another class. I'll be testing it as a villain in my campaign next week, and I can't wait to see how the players overcome the teleportation!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by Katie B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 01:47:38

Looking forward to building this into my home brew campaign! Will probably introduce it through NPCs first, can't wait to see my players faces when they realise!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mist Walker - 5e Class
Publisher: Taking20
by David L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2018 22:02:37

Seems pretty solid. Get's a lot of credit for being the first real Intelligence fighter type build I've seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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