You can tell a lot of time and a lot of love went into this. In a market overflowing with OSR books, retroclones, heartbreakers, and the rest, the Avremier books stand out thanks to that love and attention.
The style of the books is so evocative of the early days of the hobby, and the quality of the writing and production is very high. David Hill and co. have added plenty of new spin to old ideas, as well as adding some fresh concepts into the mix. Every area has been given a fresh lick of paint... monsters, classes, races, loot, mechanics, settings... and all these areas have been expanded on as well, so it's not just the simple touch-up job that a lot of OSR products think they can skate by with.
They do not stand on their own, and you will need access to 0e rules to use them, and I only mention that here as I feel it needs pointing out as so many OSR products are a self-contained system now, and something like this 5-book series might easily be mistaken for such.
There is an awful lot packed into these little books and they are easily worth their asking price, and I thoroughly recommend them for fans of the oldest school.
---Supplement 0 Notes---
The Armiger is a very nice alternative to the traditional Paladin, with its powers coming from heraldic beasts as opposed to deities, and with each beast granting an immunity, a bonus to attack a specific type of creature, and a Heraldic Manifestation (A spell-like power with limited daily uses)
Tons of new magical items, spells, gods, and more...!