Plenty of spooky stuff to choose from in this art pack. It is all black and white in the style of clip art but its a lot higher quality than most clip art. These can be blown up to full page artwork and still looks great. I like that it comes in a extra format without a back ground so it can go directly on to any page easy.
What a great addition to add to your game. This product is well done and professional. The new monsters will really add a lot to throw at your players. Well worth the price!
Great selection and quality maps by some of the best on the dm's guild. some of the maps have up to 4 different versions. Almost all have at least 2 versions. Mostly with a grid and with out a grid. some have player versions and the the GM version with hidden stuff like secret doors. Well worth the price for these great professional maps!
A lot of intrigue and twists. I love this module. so much detail and plenty of role-playing mixed with the right amount of combat
Good story. I love the history. It shows that you did your research on this one! I just might run this on my show in a future episode. ;)
Short 3 page document that can be kept by your side at the table for easy reference. You can quickly think about what you want to say in thieve's cant, then jot down how to say it by looking at this guide. And when it's your turn, impress everyone with your lingo! lol
Ok, I ran this tonight for my Friday group. loved it. We finished in one 8 hour session. We had one character go down but nobody died. Everyone had fun. I recommend this to anyone who REALLY likes to challenge their players. It leads them into thinking it will be a cake walk then gradually builds intensity until the last fight. It was very tuff. The end boss is no joke!!! I had a party of six. 2 are level 14 and the other four are level 15. There is a few traps. 1 is really cool. There are some investigating aspects and some good combat encounters in the adventure. It combines to form a solid but tuff quest.
A good selection of well done maps. If you need maps these would be a good choice.
Very much like this from reading through. some balance issue but can work for sure.
Seems ok from first read but still seems to be unbalanced but some people like play that way.
Nice set of traps and puzzles. Very origional work and lots to do with. GMs will use a lot from here. great recource for adventures.
I love the class but I am worried it may be a little Over-Powered. I will use it in a MIN-MAX campaign I am running though and I think it will fit right in.
I like these a lot. many page designs to use and I like the multi-colored aspect. There is also a grey tone in each set so that you can make printer friendly versions of your modules.
A nice little side quest. Very intriguing plot as the players get caught up in a year old murder mystery involving a warlock and a dead couple, who were engaged to be married. Better than most AL adventures for sure!
I am glad maps of Faerun are finally showing showing up. This is a good map of the Icewind area