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Musha Shugyo RPG: Quickstart Guide $0.00
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Musha Shugyo RPG: Quickstart Guide
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Musha Shugyo RPG: Quickstart Guide
Publisher: Acchiappasogni
by David R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/15/2018 03:33:48

1st off I love the idea of an easy to play fighting game and I'm only looing at the quick start guide. Characater creation made since until I looked at the example characters and I couldn't figure out how they got some of the special and super move bonuses example: a +1 for air or a X6 mulitplier on the gattling kick one of them had. In the quick start, those modifiers aren't mentioned. Maybe a video on character creation and a video on RPG mode game play, would be helpful. I see there is a CHI expansion and that would be an awesome thing to build onto a character. Perks, skils, or abilities outside of fighting are needed too for a more indepth RPG experiece. As a one shot fight match I looks to do very well but....

Like I said the concept is really cool and mabye it's in the full version but it seems lack the depth of other RPG's like D&D 5th and Pathfinder. A martial arts based RPG is rare the only to come close is Dragon Dynasty on the old X-box.

I wish the writers success in selling the game I see it has a fan base.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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