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Tunnels & Trolls 7th Edition

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Tunnels & Trolls 7th Edition
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Tunnels & Trolls 7th Edition
Publisher: Fiery Dragon
by Jeno S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2008 07:35:37

Whether you are a veteran RPG gamer or a novice gamer, this Tunnels & Trolls compilation is a must. Tunnels & Trolls is one of the very first RPGs ever and once the number one rival of Dungeons & Dragons. The compilation does not include of course the game’s 1975 edition but even if you are tired of fantasy RPGs I recommend it because this is a way to meet and pay tribute to one of the major earliest titles in the history of RPGs, which also revolutionized in the field of gaming with its 1976 solo adventure Buffalo Castle (included in this compilation of files). Apart from the historical value, Tunnels & Trolls is very concise, packing a small book with the essential and even the inessential to run a campaign in the Trollworld (no map though). Numerous races available, many weapons and several strange character classes (e.g. Paragons, Leaders).

On the minus side, Tunnels & Trolls seems to have lost the originality it enjoyed in its infancy. One can currently choose out of many fantasy games and Tunnels & Trolls comes across as rather ordinary: a magical world of dwarves, elves, trolls, dragons, goblinoids, undead, gnomes, of heroes wielding medieval weapons and wearing medieval armor etc. However, nowadays, Tunnels & Trolls with its comparatively simple rule system and language serves as an excellent and addictive introductory role-playing game. All in all, a highly recommended compilation of files.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Tunnels & Trolls 7th Edition
Publisher: Fiery Dragon
by Nicholas W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/13/2007 00:00:00

Here it is, the best RPG rule set of all time... at least in my opinion. I been waiting for months for this to finally be released in PDF format. I loved the T&T system from the first time I laid my eyes on it. It was so much easier to play the the AD&D 2nd Edition stuff at the time. Plus I had a few copies of SA that included skills. Those comined made for many nights of no sleep and many levels of my dungeons cleared out. The system remains simple to learn and play. The rules for skills are now in the main book! This just made my game night fun once more! : )<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Everything! : )<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not enough pre-written monsters.... but that was always a nice thing about this game.... they are so easy to create at the drop of a hat, er dice.... so I guess this wasn't really a problem after all! : )<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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