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Alien Breeds $4.99
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Alien Breeds
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Alien Breeds
Publisher: Zozer Games
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2021 09:49:15

"ALIEN BREEDS is a roleplaying supplement for the Cepheus Engine and other classic 2D6 SF roleplaying games. It details a new species of hostile alien predator with both an unnerving and horrific lifecycle as well as an ability to mutate ad hoc to suit its current environment. ALIEN BREEDS works well within Zozer Games’ own SF setting called HOSTILE, but it can be used in any Cepheus Engine game – as long as your players can handle this beast… and there is certainly no guarantee of that!"

When it comes to using iconic xenomorphs the Alien Breeds supplement brings it home from zozar games for the Cepheus rpg or old school Traveller. This is a forty one page solid adaptation of the alien monster. But what Alien Breeds does is create a number of xenomorph variations in spades for adventures. Paul Elliott, always brings more bang for the buck as a author & designer. Even though Alien Breeds is a good supplement its the inclusion of the adventures & the installations that makes it excellent for Cepheus rpg campaigns; "a typical colony installation. It is a fairly small example, big enough to hold may be 50 or 60 people, enough for an extended science survey, a prospecting mission or the maintenance of some new equipment on planet – perhaps a powerplant, refinery, test mine or atmosphere processor." And Alien Breeds is perfect to add into the outer interstellar gulfs of TSAO: These Stars Are Ours! from Stellagama Publishing. The PC's climb aboard a Grey saucer & the last thing their going to expect is a nest of Xenomorphs. Yes I realize that Alien Breeds is for the vaulted 80's sci fi inspired Melee rpg setting But TSAO has marines built into the interstellar setting & the xenomorphs are a perfect biological weapon for them.

Personally I can see Alien Breeds being a perfect add into the mythos of the TSRO universe. Their origins are mysterious & should be kept that way. In the Dark Horse Alien comic book universe it was implied that many alien races have used the Xenomorphs as biological weapon systems & have run afoul. I'm looking forward to getting more titles from Zozer games in the near future. Alien Breeds is a five outta of five in my book. Eric Fabiaschi Swords & Stitchery Blog Want More OSR action?! Subscribe to

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Breeds
Publisher: Zozer Games
by Neil L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/10/2018 04:36:55

The problem with Aliens (and vampires) is that everyone has seen the movies and knows a lot about how to kill them. If you'd like to include something similar in your RPG, but don't want the players to use that understanding to beat the creatures too easily, this has some useful variations you can use. It comes with a good scenario to use and a nice set of colony plans and maps.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Breeds
Publisher: Zozer Games
by Neal H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2018 20:41:34

The xenomorph is a well-known and terrifying monster. However, because of its fame, most players will be familiar with the creature and it's capabilities and few weaknesse. Alien Breed gives a GM lots of variations on the xenomorph and will remind players why they are scared of the dark.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Breeds
Publisher: Zozer Games
by Shawn F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/18/2018 22:11:39

If you play Cepheus Engine or Mongoose Traveller and you want to surprise your players with a certain iconic alien lifeform, this is the supplement to get. The book details a variety of "evoled" xenomorphs, that is, they have new features that make them a little different then the stock aliens. This includes some which breathe fire, other which create spores, or others which are puppeteers. Each one has a full explanation of their lifecycle and the game stats you need to terorrize your unsuspecting adventurers. It also includes a small 40-50 person mining colony which is being terorrized by the aliens. It has full maps and stats for the colony and colonists. I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Breeds
Publisher: Zozer Games
by Chris H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/16/2018 09:41:59

Zozer Games' HOSTILE is an RPG that wears it's influences proudly on it's sleeve, and it's beautifully crafted for the job. It's also phenomenally good value for money. ALIEN BREEDS continues the trend, and addresses the only criticism that I have of HOSTILE - that it needed more monsters. The array of lifeforms presented are both familiar enough that players will enjoy the nostalgia, and unfamiliar enough that they'll present a genuine challenge. The colony setting included is invaluable, a resource that the GM will be able to use over and over in a variety of HOSTILE adventures. Impressive work from Paul Elliott, yet again.

Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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