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Reach Adventure 5: The Borderland Run
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Reach Adventure 5: The Borderland Run
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Reach Adventure 5: The Borderland Run
Publisher: Mongoose
by Brennen B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2022 20:50:43

Going through it solo, was not my favorite, although not bad either. The description pretty much tells it all although there's a bit of a plot twist or two. I didn't necessarily need a module to continue speculative trading, but I suppose if you went through the first 4 modules you've probably started speculative trading by now, especially if you're willing to be chartered out for a freight haul, which is this entire adventure. And it's expensive to stop speculative trading especially when you've leveraged yourself into a new ship with a big mortgage. However, this is the worst region of the galaxy I've traded in so far. That being said, with the new ship, I was still making a mega credit on most of the "bad" trades.

I don't regret buying this module and it wasn't the worst in the Reach series. I'd say it was better than 1 & 2. Certainly not enough to disuade me from buying the next (#6 in the series). It is very fairly priced.

There's quite a bit of room for drama in this one. So, if your group is heavily into the role playing (method acting) thing this is probably most suited for them although it doesn't prevent you from just delivering the cargo and being done with it because you couldn't care less about the drama. Not much of an adventure if you did that, but you were told up front that's what this is. It's really all the drama around it that brings it alive because at it's heart the entire thing is "take this cargo from point A to point B a handful of parsecs away". The worse you handle it the more likely you'll fight including some potential space combat. So, for those not caring about the drama, they'll likely get some additional combat out of it.

All that said, I prefered the drama in some of the previous Reach adventures as those felt more heroic and High & Dry still reigns as far as I'm concerned for the heroic scenes and overall adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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