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CCC-MACE01-02 A Panthers Peril $4.99
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CCC-MACE01-02 A Panthers Peril
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CCC-MACE01-02 A Panthers Peril
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2019 13:22:38

Passable adventure, frustratingly it suffers from the curse of being the second part of a trilogy where the hooks and the ending are weak unless you are planning on running all three parts in succession. There's also an issue of the characters being given far too many long rests inbetween not very difficult encounters. This doesn't really follow the balance of 5e and means any resources used during an encounter are quickly regenerated leading to a disparity between short rest classes and long rest classes.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MACE01-02 A Panthers Peril
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Allen S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/20/2019 13:34:06

This module was an entertaining sequel to the original MACE story. The connections here are pretty strong and the combat encounters are appropriate for the tier. This stoy is basically a wild goose chase along the north coast of the Moonsea and into Thar. Unfortunately, the story doesn't really develop beyond that. This module felt more like a bunch of encounters without much story. Some people love this but our table continually tried to rp through the encounters instead of having fights. The table soon learned that not all of the encounters can be conquered with this type of playstyle.

Ultimatly the table had fun but were a little bummed with how linear everything felt. The story does work well as a one shot if people are looking for one and The Winged Panther is a cool character who clearly has a story to tell!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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