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Veils & Vengeance $1.00
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Veils & Vengeance
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Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by James H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2020 14:18:56

A really easy module to understand and run. The pieces are fleshed out: the wedding parties, the family, the conflict makers, in a way that evokes what the setting is like. What is the ceremony of a Tiefling wedding? What kind of food is served? Where's the honeymoon?! A module that is solid enough to run on its own, but also brings up these questions is rare. And it's always great to see a one-shot that is rooted in a joyous event like a wedding!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Longlost E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2018 13:18:04

More a collection of tables to roll on and some advice, this doesn't really come off as a fully fleshed adventure. It would be nice if the description would reflect the nature of what you'll find inside because I had been expecting perhaps a bit more concrete info than what is given in the PDF. If you have trouble improving this is probably not for you, but if you are, this is a fairly nice idea you can flesh out. Not bad for the price, but honestly I had been hoping for a quick simple adventure but needing to build it out to run it, I'll have to put this on the backburner for a bit.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your feedback! This is an adventure designed for improv - albeit DM discretion or group dynamics. So I definitely agree with you that it is different from adventures that hold the DM’s hand. I appreciate your comments and will revise the description to include this information.
Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Gorram W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2018 01:59:36

An excellent roleplaying adventure, this little module demonstrates the skill in writing and creativity that can be brought to bear in this field. I can already see how to fit it into future roleplay with my parties, and possibly in more than one game.

A good module if you are looking for an alternatrive to the standard combat heavy adventures.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by zack K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2018 15:47:29

There's a good idea here, and I think people can use this to create a fun adventure. However, at this point? You get most of the idea for an adventure, but not an actual module. Maybe this has to do with an expanded definition of "adventure module", but this, in my opinion, doesn't quite yet qualify.

Dont get me wrong! The idea behind this is excellent. But the content is lacking. As it is, this feels like getting an adventure that you still have to create.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Juan F. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/16/2018 20:16:58

Hello all! I just want to add some things that I think the other worthy reviewers missed. I do not know whether the author has read or played Fiasco, but this adventure seems influenced by Fiasco since there are different tables that will create different versions of the adventure depending on the DM's rolls or the DM's choice. This means that this tiny little adventure has excellent replay value. Second, since the situation is familiar, it can be played without any prep.

The adventure does have one flaw. There is a possible fight at the end that is meant to be interesting but will likely not involve the PCs. An experienced DM will figure out a way to involve the PCs, but the adventure writer should make that easy for new DMs as well. For instance, considering the factions in this story, the writer should have suggested that PCs align with one of them. Then when the duel happens at the end, not only are the leaders fighting, their supporters, PCs included, are fighting too.

Also, I would suggest a house rule for this adventure: No one dies. Anyone reduced to zero hit points is simply unconscious. I'm usually a blood-and-guts DM, but this adventure is a sweet comedy (literally, since it likely ends in marriage), and a death would spoil the wedding.

Like another reviewer, I too appreciate the systems-neutral approach.

Finally, this is an adventure that would work well with new players intimidated by the rules and whether they are "playing the game right."

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nic D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/10/2018 13:54:19
Greetings and Well Met!

First I want to start off with saying that I LOVE heavy roleplay games and this adventure is right up our ally! The cover art is absolutely beautiful! I absolutely love the concept of the adventure and especially love the fact that (even in its newest version) has alot of room to play with as a Dungeon Master. Overall it's a very intriguing adventure!

There are a great deal of options at ones disposal and the fact that it is not as detailed as some adventure modules I have read over my...looks over shoulder...26 years of playing and DM'ing for Dungeons & Dragons, it can be customized to fit any DM's style and can be adapted for play in pretty much ANY D&D fantasy setting. Setting Neutral modules are always a plus!

I can think of only a couple of things to add to this adventure that would make it easier to run (Mainly for New DM's or DM's who want to try their hand at a more Roleplay-centric style).

1) Maybe a prewritten text box (just a sentence or two) to each of the NPC's to describe their words and reactions upon first meeting the player characters.

2) A quirk or mannerism for each NPC.

3) A mini-stat block for the NPCS (just the basics like Stats, HP, AC, Saves, Skills, Passive Checks for DM use)

I applaud your work and can't wait to run this, which is saying something bc I generally do not like or care for "one-shots"! I also look forward to seeing what other wonderful works you release in the future!

Great job!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Veils & Vengeance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/30/2018 19:51:41

I really loved the concept of this adventure, but be aware that the bare concept is most of what's on offer in this 3-page PDF. There are a few tables the DM is encouraged to roll on, and that's pretty much the entirety of what's in here; this is not an adventure to pick up if you're looking for something you can run without a lot of your own prep work. I think the things I would have most liked to see expanded were the accessory table (any or all of these pieces of equipment could have had fun magical effects attached) and the "character motivation" table, which doesn't seem to be much more than a list of species.

I don't want to knock it too much, since it is a good idea for a one-shot and has some fun stuff in it, but I would have happily paid $5 or $6 for a version of this that was more fleshed out.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your review. This is my first game on this platform, and feedback like yours has helped me revise Veils to be more fleshed out. Now at 4 pages, I believe I have addressed most of your recommendations while maintaining the one-shot format. Thank you, again, as I value constructive feedback like yours.
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