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CCC-CIC-08 The Last Voyage of the Woolgathering Tidsoptimist
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2018 07:32:15

This module is a minefield of grammatical errors and missing map numbers. Spell check and then proof read! Missing mast on the Forecastle and doors would help the main deck. Other than that, this was a fun adventure. There was fear in the hearts of the characters for sure. I like hearing, "Tier 1 and we're fighting that? Really?" I would run this again and definately recommend watching the suggested video material. The minutes per chapter tally 3 hours and fleshes out to 4 easliy. Still a CIC winner for threat to the well being of the characters.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-CIC-08 The Last Voyage of the Woolgathering Tidsoptimist
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CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/15/2018 08:40:15

i picked this one up because all the CIC adventures have been kick ass! I ran party of 4 (very weak) and it was consistantly challenging. I would run this one again and would like to see what a stronger party encounters. This had the 3 pillars covered.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
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Creator Reply:
Hi Steven, Thanks for the review. I have had feedback about the encounters split down the middle. About half say they are too hard, the other half too easy. This makes me feel that it is probably in the middle of the power curve so to speak. I ran it this past weekend for a table of 6. I might tweak it based feedback like yours and my own experience running it. Appreciate the input!
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