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CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line $4.99
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CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
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CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Biolife D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/18/2018 18:49:57

I played this the weekend it premiered at Milwaukee Summer Revel 2017, and our group had a blast! Unbeknownst to us, the author was also playing at our table.

I loved the story, and the in-game gambling mechanics at the beginning of the adventure kicked off an "off-screen" story of gambling additction for my rock gnome wizard.

The adventure has a great mix of role-playing, exploration, and combat, and I look forward to getting a chance to be on the other side of the screen for this one in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Antoine R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/26/2018 22:13:14

I was looking for a tier 1 module to DM to my friends who wanted to play tonight and this was a good choice. The adventure is fun, straightforward and pretty damn funny at times. It was a blast to roleplay the goblin tribe! The party wasn't very strong but I was confident in their ability so I used the roper since well, it's perhaps my favorite D&D monster. The Goliath battlemaster tanked well! I think the ending was somewhat anticlimatic since there's no real bosses. I don't think the Cave Fisher was challenging enough and the dwarven entry to the underground caverns they couldn't access (stoked for the followup module) was a bit disappointing as an ending. I didn't use the dwarven statues since there's no real point in fighting them.

I really liked the creative things like: -albino goblins being lawful neutral and worshippers of dwarven gods -Voodoo puppet being used by the goblin chief if the players decide to be murder hobos -The mushroom story award!

Huge plus for the great artwork and the awesome map as well.

Unfortunately, the adventure is riddled with mistakes, I've seen at least 5 while running it but that's a recurrent theme with AL modules.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Antoine, Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! If you have the inclination I would like to here about the mistakes you found. Would definitely like to address them and update the document. In any case I hope you and your group had fun and it was worth your time to play. Best regards and happy gaming!
CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jasmine L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2018 01:37:56

Solid dungeon crawl adventure with good encounter design. Some of the combats are avoidable, so be aware that if the players don't fight everything, it can easily finish under the expected runtime.

My players were vexed by the dead end. I don't actually know which adventure it is that explores te area beyond it, but in my opinion, it's probably best to skip it unless you're doing the follow-up adventure afterwards. If you do run that section, I'd be transparent about it being a hook into another adventure. Being coy about it seems like a good way to waste the players' time and end the session on an anticlimactic note.

I also think "Boner's Bluff" is a terrible name for a dice game. >_>

Other than that, it's pretty well-done! Simple, straightforward, easy to prep, and provides a classic D&D experience.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Jasmine, Thanks for your feedback. My apologies for the late response as I don't log into the DMs Guild often. Others have stated the frustration with the end. While I would have liked a big flashy ending ultimately the last part is out of the scope (tier) of the players. And frankly I am waiting on a monster to be released for it as well (keeping my fingers cross!). Well moving past the obvious juvenile giggle that the game's name may invoke, in some of my personal games we labeled those that play dice 'boners', those that roll the bones. And yes it was definitely part schoolyard humor that stuck. So just for my sake of saying it out loud to myself, the players are the 'boners' the dice are the 'bones'. Thanks for the kind words and appreciate the wonderful feedback! Best regards and happy hunting!
CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/15/2018 08:40:15

i picked this one up because all the CIC adventures have been kick ass! I ran party of 4 (very weak) and it was consistantly challenging. I would run this one again and would like to see what a stronger party encounters. This had the 3 pillars covered.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Steven, Thanks for the review. I have had feedback about the encounters split down the middle. About half say they are too hard, the other half too easy. This makes me feel that it is probably in the middle of the power curve so to speak. I ran it this past weekend for a table of 6. I might tweak it based feedback like yours and my own experience running it. Appreciate the input!
CCC-CIC-06 End of the Line
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tom P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/07/2018 20:51:06

Good adventure, feels half finished, where is the end? For that reason alone I would not recommend this. To have the adventure end outside of a closed door which is unable to be opened with all of the players expecting some kind of boss fight was disappointing to say the least. The monster encounters seem fairly balanced, the RP with the "white devils" is good but the module just suddenly ends with no good conclusion and left the players feeling like there should have been more. 2 items not found in this adventure is a poor way of ending it. Also not having any characters know Dwarven caused a few problems meaning I had to improvise a "white devil" to be their translator with the runic writings.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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