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Spacemaster: Datanet #3

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Spacemaster: Datanet #3
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Spacemaster: Datanet #3
Publisher: DriveThruRPG's Archives
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2010 23:46:21

This issue covers the single, though important, subject of creating alien species and cultures in two parts, firstly in concept, then Spacemaster statistics.

The first, systemless section covers a number of broad questions through the example of a species of photosynthetic turtle-people, illustrating how a slightly odd concept carries through to modify the usual assumptions, with good consideration of alien psychology, nonhuman culture and, just as importantly, why a GM might want to maintain a light hand on such potentially baffling subjects for game purposes.

The statistics-based section had in places a slightly questionable balance of techniques, from my reading, with some frankly odd ideas - rules for soul departure? To be fair, I haven't tried using these rules to construct a Spacemaster species and can't speak for how the total result would balance out in play.

In total, an excellent conceptual source.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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