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Vast & Starlit
Publisher: Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/16/2021 23:28:32

The background just makes it too hard to read. I gave up after a while and a couple attempts. It might be a great game but it's a terrribly rough read!

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Vast & Starlit
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The Short Games Digest: Volume 1
Publisher: Far Horizons Co-op
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2021 18:45:15

There is so much original and fun content in this volume! I personally loved Clerics which is a game where the players except the GM run Clerics in a party that never gives Clerics the respect they deserve. Very old school game feel with a hilarious "AI" for the non-cleric character NPCs. I am looking forward to reading and playing more digest games in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Short Games Digest: Volume 1
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Mothership: Player's Survival Guide (0E)
Publisher: Tuesday Knight Games
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2019 12:31:49

A fantastic game for re-creating Alien or Aliens type games. The art is GREAT! The tables are evocative. It has a true old school feel about it. Most of the mechanics are very basic - roll under stat on a d100. The stress roll and the panic rolls really give each monster or bizarre encounter a true horror movie feel. The best part of the book though is that the character sheets include a flow chart for how to design them which simplifies character creation a shocking amount. The flow chart makes character creation so intuitive. It is the only RPG I have ever played where no one needed to ask any questions (except about items).

Some of the rules are not well defined and no setting is included. This may bother some purchasers but this game is about 100% old-school style gaming with heavy GM Fiat so rules clarifications do not slow the game down. I would also recommend picking up Mothership: The Dead Planet supplement so that you can be ready to play with a few random rolls. It includes a few INCREDIBLE set pieces but you still need to make your own setting for this game.

That said, the game has a serious space horror feel to it so the inspiration is easy to come by.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mothership: Player's Survival Guide (0E)
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Mothership: Dead Planet
Publisher: Tuesday Knight Games
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2019 12:26:50

The graphics and layout of this supplement are incredible! The spaceship creation for derelict ships is very clever. It is not quite quick enough to roll the whole ship up in a moment but it can easly be done with 10 minutes of prep to generate an entire side mission! It can also be done virtually room by room after "The Warden" (aka GM) rolls how many rooms there will be. This plus the map of the derelict ship of the Alexis with details of the rooms and items to be found there are easily worth $5 by themselves. Then, you get a number of random lists ranging from names of books in the captains rooms to how to move the monster if you want it moved randomly to tables for generating NPCs on the "Dead Planet". Then, add in the hooks for landing on the planet, the map of the base, and then a third adventure and you have quite the starter supplement!

That said, this is an old-school style game. There is a fair amount of GM Fiat and the game as written can be deadly. No worries there though, you can still have a spaceship full of cryo-sleeping crew to replace their dead mates or slow down the madness as "The Warden".

The monsters in this module are somewhat standard sort of xenomorphs and the plot is a bit of a railroad but again, there is nothing stopping you from spicing it up. Instead of waiting and buying the expensive new Alien rpg, grab this and have fun now!

I also wanted to point out that because success is instantly known in this version of the d00 system used AND high DM fiat, I have been running a very successful game of this by forum.

I can't wait for future supplements for this game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mothership: Dead Planet
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Uncharted Worlds
Publisher: Sean Gomes
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 14:31:50

There are people for which this game is nearly perfect. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. I wanted to love this game. This game is pretty much Traveller or Stars without Number meets PbtA. I love the concept but I feel the execution is only par.

First, the Traveller style histories mean a good amount of customization but also a ton of flipping back and forth and interpretting what the skills and backgrounds mean.

Next, the PbtA mechanics work pretty well but as a GM I hate how often the stats overlap and can be used instead of a weaker stat. For example, if you are trying to pilot a starship, there is no specific skill. Instead, you use one of your stats. However, Interface often used to pilot but then so can Expertise. This means 2 out of 4 stats can be used to pilot a starship. Gee, I guess my PCs will pick the +2 stat rather than the +1 / 0. (The buff characters with -1 stats for this will obviously avoid piloting if there is another PC around). Now, remeember this is a 2d6 system so +2 is huge.

This mechanic is SO important to the game that it almost breaks the system. Random space encounter? No, problem +2 roll to evade. Anti-spacecraft guns? no problem. Space battle? Easy to dodge

The other problem mentioned elsewhere with this game is that it lacks any suggestion of a setting. That by itself was no problem for me though as I took a fun space trader phone game and designed worlds and missions around this. I wouldn't weight this as a serious problem as there are SO many Traveller or generic space fantasy sourcebooks.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Uncharted Worlds
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Do Not Let Us Die In The Dark Night Of This Cold Winter
Publisher: cone of negative energy
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 13:28:56

Barely a system. I could create something better to simulate this.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Do Not Let Us Die In The Dark Night Of This Cold Winter
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Dungeon World Mounts and Vehicles [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 13:23:33

This is literally the best handling of mounts that I have seen in an rpg. Yes, the mounts and vehicles are 99% abstracted this way so it is better for mounts than vehicles. This also means that it will feel unsatisfying for the simulationists out there. On the other hand, the rules are simple and add fun and creativity to your Dungeon World game. Let's face it, if you are looking into Dungeon World, you don't want simulationist rules. If you have a regular Dungeon World game, you MUST pick Mounts and Vehicles up!

As for Inverse World, this is my second most favorite supplement for Dungeon World. It doesn't give anything especially original but it does add very good playbooks for Captains (and airship captains), tinkerers, and others than vanilla Dungeon World are better for containing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeon World Mounts and Vehicles [BUNDLE]
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D&D 5th Edition Monster Cards
Publisher: Matthew Perkins
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 13:16:55

the D&D 5th edition monster cards everyone should have to prevent flipping through the Monster Manual during every game session at Pay what you want! Unless you want to pay out much bigger for the proper cards or really want them only in playing card size, buy these, cut them and laminate them. You may still want the cards or smaller but for $5 or less, this is probably your best option.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D&D 5th Edition Monster Cards
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D&D 5th Edition Character Sheet
Publisher: Matthew Perkins
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 12:26:36

Easier to use than the standard but nothing special.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
D&D 5th Edition Character Sheet
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Publisher: Imaginary Empire
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 12:24:50

This may be the best free RPG I have ever played. It is a strongly narrative game (with NO tactics) and extremely limited player prerogative. This game is not for everyone. If D&D or Pathfinder or the like are your favorite games, don't bother.

However, if you enjoy narrative games, the choices you do have are meaningful. In addition, I love the idea of spending only 2 minutes to create a character that recalls memories (to be used a rerolls or bonuses) with each segment of the mission.

I am currently playing this by forum. It works great by forum when characters do not join up together.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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10 Dungeon Maps with Seed Ideas
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 12:16:19

Good quality with good hooks. Many supplements like this are selling for $10.00. I picked these up for free but they are certainly worth $1.99. Once I get a group back together, I will plan to run some of these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
10 Dungeon Maps with Seed Ideas
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Adventure Idea Factory
Publisher: DwD Studios
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 12:13:06

A very good story and hook dice rolled generator for Sci-fi adventures. I highly recommend this for $1.99. I use it enough that I have printed it out. It is original enough, with enough choices to generate good ideas, if not totally unique. Every major cliche is available to remix in the generator.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure Idea Factory
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Remnants: Broken Lands II
Publisher: Outrider Studios
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 12:10:04

More of the same. There is no need to bother with this one until you run through everything of interest in the first Broken Lands. I would also point out that this weighs in with less than 60 pages and less than half the size of the original (and excellent) Broken Lands setting.

As with Broken Lands, this is 95% setting fluff that could be used in any post-apocalyptic or mecha game. No need to play Remnants to make use of this supplement.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Remnants: Broken Lands II
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Remnants: The Broken Lands
Publisher: Outrider Studios
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 11:59:05

The book is GREAT! There is SO much post-apocalyptic setting material from which to create hooks and storylines! There are much needed NPCs and enemies. The art is spare but excellent. It could use more art for inspiration and random tables for items and NPCs to find at different locations but I cannot give it a 4.5 so 5 it is as it is available for less than $10.

The format is straight-forward and professional. Keep in mind this book is 99% "fluff" and not mechanics or story. I rate it this high though because you could easily use this for any other post-apocalyptic setting, even ignoring the mecha if you wished to do so. Or, you could easily use this for a detailed setting for Tiny Frontier: Mechs and Monsters or Mekton. For $6, if you play any post-apocalyptic or mecha game, not just the rarely played and lukewarm reviewed and crunchy Remnants, you should buy this PDF or book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Remnants: The Broken Lands
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Simplicity: A Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Publisher: Swordfin Games
by Mike I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/30/2018 15:34:54

First off, this is definitely a take on the simpler D&D first edition. It is simpler than any modern version and seems more logical than the Moldvay's version from what I can tell. Still, it kept such a chunk of the clunkiness of D&D, that I do not really understand this rpg as a product. SO many pages of spells, leveling up provides different abilities and bonuses at different levels, there ARE levels in the first place (which is unnecessary if the GM decides when characters improve as they do in this game). % of successfully resolving a trap was never a good way of dealing with thieves then and it seems worse now with improved systems out there.

All in all, it was a valiant effort but I did not find this either simple enough nor modern enough to replace anything I play. (P.S. I prefer Dungeon World for a full fantasy rpg at this point)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Simplicity: A Fantasy Roleplaying Game
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