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Publisher: Scrivened, LLC
by Geoffrey N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2018 06:31:27

Here's a link to a longer review.

Overall, I like Hellscapes. It's not a comprehensive post-apoc tool kit, but it provides some fun classes and other mechanics to make a memorable campaign. The folks at Scrivened have a real talent for re-engineering mechanics to fit different genres and for keeping those mechanics simple and fun. If you enjoy the way 5e plays and want an adaptation to the post-apocalyptic genre, Hellscapes is a good fit.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Tell It To My Axe!
Publisher: Fiery Dragon
by Geoffrey N.
Date Added: 06/06/2006 14:03:36

Tell it to My Axe should be in every AE GM's toolbox, for no other reason than it provides several pages of fully statted AE NPC's. The balance of these are, unsurprisingly, warriors, but they do fill a need that has to date been sorely lacking. Seven bucks for these guys is well worth it.

The rest is gravey, but I like gravey, especially when it's AE flavored. The Order of the Axe is a military order of humans and other DT natives that are in quiet rebellion against giant rule. The organization is detailed with NPC's, locations, and plot hooks a'plenty. Again, a good tool for GM's interested in adding flavor to thier AE campaign.

Players will appreciate the book for its new PrC's (not really my taste, but good AE flavor. These PrC's do what PrC's are supposed to do: reinforce the setting.) feats and combat options.

The art is good and the writing is solid.

Also included is an adventure, another good reason for GM's to get their paws on this volume. I havn't played the adventure thorugh, but it looks fine, and it's especially good for GM's who are looking for AE material, and there are apparently quite a few.

For what you get: NPC's, PrC's, an adventure, lots of new cruchy bits, and a huge injection of intrigue into any AE campaign, I highly and without reservation recommend this product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tell It To My Axe!
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Akashic Nodes: The Home of Memory
Publisher: Fiery Dragon
by Geoffrey N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/06/2006 13:54:48

I'm not very good at reviews, so I'll just say that I think this is a great product. It enhances AE with mechanics and flavor that tie in beautifully with the idea that memory is a tangible force, as Good and Evil tm WotC are in regular D&D. The locations are interesting, and good places for encounters, quests, or just to throw out as part of the background of the Land. This is great for AE for another reason: it gives place and history to the natives of the Land of the Diamond Throne: the humans, litorians, faen, and verrik.

In addition to some great flavor elements (which aren't totally easily ported into D&D, but could be with some work), there are some nice cruchy bits: spells, feats, items, and a critter or two. These enhance the locations, but are easily portable, especially to a hybrid D&D-AE game. I highly reccommend this book to anyone who is looking for a way to add crunch and flavor to thier AE game or embed any game setting in a living history with which the characters can interact.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Akashic Nodes: The Home of Memory
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Akashic Nodes: The Home of Memory
Publisher: Fiery Dragon
by Geoffrey N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/22/2005 00:00:00

Overall, a great product. Some good plant spells, and a fun expansion of the Akashic Memory concept. Well done.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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