Part barbaric prose, part realist material, the Pure is an impressive installment. It makes the Pure a separate and unique entity very well, although the issue of rape and the vulgar use of profanity to define the tribe in Chapter 1, may be very off-putting. It certainly was for me and there were certain other references in the book that were needlessly unpleasant. This is a shame, because the rest of the book is very compelling. The art is as succulent and awe inspiring as ever and the Pure are very well defined and plausible in terms of both their natures and their goals.
I would have certainly awarded this book a five star rating, hadn't it been for the bouts of bad taste contained within. White Wolf, unfortunately, has always suffered from a tendency to lean on the cruel and sadistic. The Pure could have done without both and even the art suffers from it in parts. However, the whole outweighs the sum of its parts and this piece of literature is an admirable title that ought to find its way into your library. It'll help add flavor and diversity to your stories. Just skip the parts on sexual and physical abuse and you'll be drawn deeply into the text.