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CCC - Anime - 1-1 Legend of the Sword Bandit Surprise
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/17/2018 21:59:46

I love the central religious festival at the heart of this mod, and the legend that the writer has created for it. This is one of the more immersive takes on FR religion I have seen in an organized-play mod. The players had remarkable fun in a 10-minute theological discussion about the underpinnings and implications of the upcoming ritual in the adventure.

There are also some fine NPCs in the town of Hawksroost. The main mission of the PCs is also inventive and interesting. However, the mod would be helped by being a bit less formless in Act I and having a few more branching points/red herrings in Act III. It is a minor quibble, but the copy editing could be improved. Still, a creative mod with an unusual mission and some nods to Kozakuran culture.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CCC - Anime - 1-1 Legend of the Sword Bandit Surprise
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CCC-SRCC01-01 Trouble in the Old City
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 01:09:06

This mod has a great problem to solve and interesting antagonists. Nice use of hooks to get the players moving into the story. Good atmosphere in the various parts of the adventure, and some nice RP opportunities. As Joshua H. says below, there are a few problems. The GM may need to provide some ligaments/extra breadcrumb trails to help the PCs find the culprit and learn the backstory. Also, the city map provided is not very helpful -- I just randomly divided the outside-the-walls area into wards and tossed story areas into them. This worked just fine, and focused the PCs on the areas where the action was as opposed to running around Ylraphon.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-SRCC01-01 Trouble in the Old City
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CCCTHENT01-01 Beneath the Surface
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 01:00:15

I like the flavor of the setting. However, the major encounters are quite similar to one another. The second installment has more variety of encounter types, and creates more satisfying "table moments" and story memories.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
CCCTHENT01-01 Beneath the Surface
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CCCTHENT01-02 Those That Dwell Beneath
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 00:56:21

As others have mentioned, this mod runs short. However, the major encounters are quite interesting. The setting has a lot of flavor.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCCTHENT01-02 Those That Dwell Beneath
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CCC-CIC-08 The Last Voyage of the Woolgathering Tidsoptimist
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 00:35:37

A good mod with a significant threat level and some interesting choice points for the PCs. In particular, the writers provide clear and usefully complicating stakes for the factions.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-CIC-08 The Last Voyage of the Woolgathering Tidsoptimist
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CCC-GEL-01 Bedlam at the Benefit
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 00:31:31

VERY VERY MILD SPOILERS. This is an excellent module with some nice variety. Part III is one of the best skill-challenge formats I have seen, and is very conducive to collaborative story-building. Part I is fun and encourages roleplaying. Like other reviewers, though, if I ran the mod again I would cap the number of "touches" at 10 total to keep this section from dragging. If there are more than 5 PCs, the players can strategize about where best to team up to gain advantage. The fights have some threat as well, which is always a plus. Very nice job, writers, designers and editors!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GEL-01 Bedlam at the Benefit
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Dungeons: A Solo Adventure Game
Publisher: Adventure Games Guild
by John T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2015 22:18:44

As mentioned by other posters, this little game is a basic dungeon crawl, with little story beyond the initial framework save what you bring yourself. However, the game is still quite fun, and absolutely worth the itty-bitty price.

The Good: --Price -- $3.50 for the basic game and an expansion is exceedingly reasonable

-- Magic system: a hoot.

--Post-quest experience system: Surprisingly robust.

--The "quest monster" mechanic works well to differentiate Quests from each other.

--The cards that come with the PDF -- make the game super-quick

--Basic combat system does the job and lends tension

--Enjoyable throwback to early D&D with wildly variable monster/event lethality and random treasure drops (magic armor from a bat! One gold from the manticore!). You'll probably lose a lot of PCs before you finish a dungeon.

--My 5-year-old and I have had a lot of fun playing this. I read, he rolls and makes choices about what to do next. We lost a dwarf, three elves and a mage, but finally his Elf Rayen survived one quest and then waltzed through his second.

The Less-Good (for $2, nothing is bad): --Magic section is oddly just before Bestiary. Should be just after Heroes.

--The classes are not created equal. Elf is hard to beat (bow, high speed, decent combat, 1/3 chance of Healing Hands after each Area). Mage is a lot of fun. Dwarf and Barbarian will need favorable Areas and lucky treasure drops to make it through their first Quest.

--The classes in the Dragon Fang Mountain expansion are quite a bit stronger than the non-spellcasting classes in the basic book. The Treasure Seeker begins with the best ranged attack in the game, and the treasure reroll ability is remarkably useful. The Runecaster has some interesting choices to make about how often to attempt her spells in combat, which I like, and has a 2/3 chance of triggering modest ranged auto-damage.

--Some small moments where rules aren't clear. Here are some clarifications/house rules I adopted: Initiative. I think this is as written: Ranged first one time, in speed order (if combatants have the same speed, a d6 roll-off). Melee: Higher speed always has initiative, tie speed has a roll-off after each round in which both combatants have acted. If rolled off for ranged attack, roll off again for first round of melee. Scenario 1: unarmed=light weapon (good luck with that, unless Mage). *Enchanted Armour allows spellcasting. The odds of getting it are low -- why not treat yourself?

This game is a lot of fun for the money. Enjoy!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeons: A Solo Adventure Game
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