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CCC BMG MOON 3-2 Within the Tunnels of Dwarvenholm 4/5 stars
The next module in the Fairheights trilogy has our adventurers assisting the dwarves in pushing orcs and their allies from the mountains.
A quick combat reveals more of the story, and their friend Winnow agrees to help them find more answers.
An interesting story arc
Interesting monsters
I did not feel that the included maps matched the encounters. In the first encounter, the place markers did not match up with the monsters listed.
The final encounter has a group of combatants sneak up on the party in heavy armor. The detection DC is quite high and would almost impossible to achieve without a magic assist. I ended up showing my players the encounter info afterwards to assure them that I did not run the encounter incorrectly.
Overall, a good adventure for the group.
CCC-BMG-MOON 3-1 Atop the Fairheights 5/5 Stars
I am keeping this party strictly Moonshaes and AL legal. So after playing MOON 1-1, and the MOON 2- series, they are all at level 5 before starting this adventure.
The first Tier 2 Moonshaes adventure send our adventurers to meet an old friend (if you played Moon 1-1).
Be prepared for a nice 4 hour dungeon crawl. After learning what is required of them, the adventurers head off on a rescue mission.
• Just a note: Aliens (1986) and Predator (1987) started out as rescue missions.
Designed for 5 8th Level Characters, my group of 4 5th Level Characters were seriously challenged even at very weak. After surviving the first encounter, they used their brains for the second encounter, before getting creamed on the third encounter.
Every character went down at least twice, if not more. They lived, but barely. The dice were not friendly to the players that night.
The 4th encounter went down super quickly. Even though they were nearly out of spells, rages, potions, and hit points, they did persevere to victory.
One player felt the third encounter was too deadly, but the others enjoyed the challenge of using their heads to survive.
Overall, a fun adventure to run, with a blend of puzzles and combat. The party enjoyed the tie-ins to earlier adventures, and are looking forward to the next module in the trilogy.
Fun to play
Straight forward objective
Great story tie in
Could easily lead to a TPK depending on party mix
DM Fiat may be needed to help a low level party survive.
It would have been nice to have an easier rating adventure available to ease the players into Tier 2.
CCC-BMG-MOON 2-3 The Eye in the Mist 5/5 Stars
The final installment of the MOON 2 trilogy was a nice ending for the tier 1 party. The group had done all the Tier 1 adventures so far, and felt engaged in the story. A nice bit of RP, some detective work, a GOOD puzzle, and a solid combat or two.
I enjoyed how the party had options, but always ended up back at the same place.
The flow was smooth, and the adventure was well written.
Pros: Nice story, smooth combats, easy to up scale if needed.
Cons: Still tough if characters do not have all the equipment that appears in the prior adventures of the trilogy. Nothing unsurmountable. Tough adventure if your characters are 1-2nd level.
Well done Baldman Games!
CCC-BMG-MOON 2-2 Army of the Unseen 5/5 Stars
A great adventure for the role playing DM! Need something to make your characters think first, then fight? Play this module.
The sense of the unknown was great, and I personally liked the horror aspects much better than Barovia modules.
Pros: Good story, great adversaries, well laid out plot lines.
Cons: It is a bit of a railroad to get all the clues, but I feel that forces the party to play the entire adventure, not just run around killing things.
A excellent bridge module for the MOON 2 trilogy.
CCC-BMG-MOON 2-1 Defenders of Caer Moray 5/5 Stars
A nicely balanced adventure! There is plenty of opportunity for both role play and combat in this nice 4 hour adventure.
Pros: nicely balanced, interesting NPCs, combat challenges requiring actual thought (easy to TPK in a combat).
Cons: The special circumstances items throughout the adventure may require some DM initiative to keep players interested in the game (I substituted a greataxe for a longsword). DM Fiat.
I had a very weak party and they needed help since their dice were not cooperating. However they absolutely aced the role play aspects, and had a great time with the adventure overall.
This adventure could go down as horrible due to the combat challenges, but the writer did a great job in “dropping” useful items throughout, as well as including enough variety for any table. I am running the MOON series as a campaign, and it is nice to see the continuing story arc with elements from prior adventures.
Advice – do not run this adventure as a rush job. There are lots of little bits here that require attention to fully flavor your experience.
CCC-BMG-MOON 1-1 Moonshae Treasure Hunt
5/5 Stars
I love intro adventures with the mini missions. Flat out – I enjoy playing them and I enjoy DMing them.
The gang at Baldman Games did a great job putting this together, and my table enjoyed the feel of the Moonshaes.
Pros: Interesting missions that pull the characters into the storyline, an opportunity to learn about the various power groups (not really factions, but yeah…factions), and a nice setup with some NPCs.
Cons: The only con I have is that some of the encounters can TPK a level 1 table without some help. Even running at very weak, I had to add some NPC actions (which are allowed per the module), to keep folks alive.
One of my players had played Moonshaes adventures back in v3.5, and enjoyed getting back into the setting.
I look forward to playing and DMing more Moonshaes adventures.
CCC-TRI-10 Contact 5/5 stars
Firstly, I love any story that continues subplots from earlier adventures. At least 2 different tie ins to Mulmaster adventures, so a big thumbs up from me.
Second, I have grown tired of vampires or mind flayers being the big baddies in Tier 3, so an adventure with duergar and beholders was a lot of fun to DM.
Third, the adventure features a good balance of combat and role play opportunities for a group.
Lastly, I love the way the monster blocs are laid out! It was so easy to pull minis for the adventure, and then to modify on the fly from Weak to Average as my party cruised through the adventure.
My only con is that some modifications had to be made to the stat blocs, but the author has already addressed that in comments so I shall not dwell on it.
Due to the puzzles in the module, there is some prep work required ahead of time, so I do not recommend this as an "Adventure Calls" last minute module. If you time to prep, then this can be a very enjoyable adventure to run.
CCC-SVH-01-03 4/5 Stars
The finale of the Raven King trilogy.
I found the module fairly interesting to run. The map scale was on the large size, so I had trouble making things fit on my paper. And I admit I just let 60’ darkvision slide, as some of the rooms are big enough to make the corners out of range.
A tier 3 adventure which does not involve mind flayers or vampires, my party enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching them burn through their resources before the boss fight, and then have an “OOPS” moment when they realize they are not quite finished.
A straight forward dungeon crawl. I found it easy to prep for, but some of the lair actions took time to resolve.
Not as much RP as some adventures, but still a nice 4 hour game.
CCC-BMG-34 (aka ELMW 2-1) Tendrils in the Fog
5/5 Stars
This is the first part of a Tier 2 trilogy set around Elmwood, near Mulmaster on the southern Moonsea.
Firstly, I have always loved Elmwood, as one of my first adventures was DDEX 2-2 Embers of Elmwood.
The adventure is well written with a clear flowchart, and plenty of opportunity for either combat or RP for the first half.
By the time the adventurers get to the end, the fight should be fairly challenging depending on how many resources were expended getting to this point.
I enjoyed the sub plots that my party encountered, as well as the opportunity to play something set in my favorite area.
Pros: nice flowchart detailing opportunities for the party, suggested tactics for the opponents, and monster stat blocs broken up by encounter location.
Cons: really only one – I wish it was better detailed in the stat bloc for Skamos re: how often she may enlarge herself. It is listed in the tactics, but not in the stat bloc. I assumed it was at will, or her escape would be difficult.
Overall, a great Tier 2 adventure.
CCC-SAC-02 Fun with Fey
4/5 Stars
If you have a role play heavy party, then this is a great Tier 3 adventure for you.
Another adventure set in the post-Barovia Phlan area. Similar to CCC-SAC-01, the weakening of the barriers between the planes is affecting the world.
Lots and lots of RP for the DM. I did enjoy the creativity for my inner actor to go hog wild with RP options. Thanks to Brian Blessed and Tom Baker for inspiration on my role playing.
Pros: a different approach to an adventure than usual, excellent for RP parties, the adventure lends itself well to a Theater of the Mind game.
Cons: not a game for murder hobos, players that do not like solving puzzles will HATE this adventure, the end can be anti-climatic.
So, my wife’s Dwarf Fighter was bored most of the game. My friend’s Firbolg nature cleric LOVED this game.
So, something different, but maybe not for all party mixes.
DDAL 08-15 Forge of Fangs
3/5 Stars
The final part of the Season 8 Tier 3 trilogy.
As a DM I prefer dungeon crawl style adventures. It is easier to keep the party on track, as well as avoid unpleasant surprises (insert Leeroy Jenkins moments).
This adventure was almost too much of a railroad for my taste though, as well as an editing issue (ergo the 3 star rating).
My party was used to vampires by this point (almost every Tier 3 I have run in the past 6 months either had vampires or mind flayers present). So they planned ahead, and through judicious use of Heroes Feast and Aid spell, kept me from dropping any characters throughout the 4 hour session. And with the easy combats (I even ran the final fight with an extra baddie) they even accomplished the 2 bonus objectives in the 4 hours.
Pro: I found the balance nice, as well as the challenges presented by an undead cast of villians.
Con: Some items, such as bonus objective A, could be structured differently to add to the challenge. One successful skill check and an extra ACP and 2 extra TP.
One of the encounters is not clear as to what you are facing (specifically pg. 10). The creatures to fight are buried in the text, instead of broken out into a separate section. Easy to miss if you are in a hurry.
For completionists, this is a must play. Especially as the story leads into the Tier 4 content. As a DM, you may want to plan on adding difficulty if the adventure goes too easily. And read it through very carefully.
CCC-BMG-37 Weakness of Rock
5/5 Stars
Another trilogy from Baldman Games, this time set around Hulberg. Weakenss of Rock is the first of the trilogy
A nicely paced adventure, with some RP opportunities and some decently challenging combats.
I found the plot hook good, as well as the reason for speed. If you have ever DMed a table of “blow everything in one encounter and then take a long rest” characters, you know how nice it is to force the pace.
A lot of saving throw based challenges for the party can either make this very long or very short, depending on the effect of the challenge.
Many of the saves included “Save for Half”, so I was able to chip away at my party in prep for the boss fight.
If you have a party of crazy high AC characters, this is a good module to throw at them, since the various saves will cause them some troubles.
The maps are easy to recreate on a battle mat, and I had most of the minis on hand (or close enough).
I enjoyed running this module, and my players enjoyed the magic item unlock as well. A nice combat/RP mix for a table.
CCC-ALMOG-03 Claws of Fury
4/5 stars
I love straight forward dungeon crawls. If you are trying to keep a table on a schedule, then too many choices will cause endless grief for a DM.
Claws of Fury is a fun, fairly straightforward adventure.
A nice mix of problem solving, and combat.
Comments for the author:
- Section 3, encounter area 2: My party spent 45 minutes having no clue what to do. And the players were getting seriously annoyed with the failure of many methods of opening the door. A bigger clue in the box text, or allowing other options to bypass the door would be nice. I did try to stay true to the intent of the obstacle.
- An encounter map for Section 2 would be nice. I wasn’t sure of the scale for certain stones, so I obviously drew them too big, as my party ignored them utterly.
If you have any characters with Season 1 adventures under their belt, then the tie-ins are more fun.
DDAL 08-13 Vampire of Skullport
Disclaimer: My first season 8 adventure.
I was unsure about running this adventure, with the season 8 concerns, but my players are devouring Tier 3 adventures, so I needed something.
I was pleasantly surprised. The flow was fine, the appropriate hooks took place, and the combat scenes were adequate.
The “pillars” threw me for a loop. I just assumed that any DM would go with something similar, but perhaps less formal, for any adventure they ran.
But perhaps DM empowerment is less prevalent than I thought.
I enjoyed the role play aspect for the DM. Plenty of opportunity to let your inner actor show!
I am still not completely sold on the looser flow of this style of adventure. I prefer more “railroad” adventures, especially if I do not have a lot of lead time to prepare myself.
Still, this is a good adventure to play.
I needed a relatively straight forward dungeon crawl adventure for my friday night regulars. This adventure fit the bill nicely. Minimal preparation and good to go. Easy hooks to get the players interested.
Pluses: Straight forward.
Not too many monsters to prep
Quick to prep
Nice to have AOE monsters
Easy to run as a stand alone adventure
Minuses: The traps are not easy to intuit.
The encounters are not well scaled. If the party is too strong, they will waltz right through it.
A lot of DM interpretation is possible. If that is not your strength, then this will be a challenge for a DM to run.
MOst people will not have the correct minis for the adventure.
Overall 4/5 stars. A solid adventure to run. Nothing too crazy for a DM to run.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you very much for the review and comment! I do plan to continue this in a series and love any and all feedback to make those in the future better! |