Taverns are a ubiquitous part of DnD, so it makes perfect sense to have a tavern premade in your back pocket. Tavern Tables offers just that with a ton of NPCs, potential adventure hooks, maps, and even a silly tavern game.
The supplement opens with a description of The Spitting Turtle, a rough-and-tumble establishment owned by Genthar Grundleson. Maps are provided as well as several adventure hook rumors. However, the largest section of the supplement contains "Tavern Tables," 50 different actions that are occurring. You have dueling musicians, targeted nobles, bad dates, and more. DMs are encouraged to used these tables to flesh out their taverns, perhaps even jumpstarting an adventure! Finally, the supplement ends with a game of spit-turtle, a silly tavern game that involves spitting turtles and getting points.
Overall, I really liked this supplement. The writing, editing, and art were top notch, and I absolutely loved the maps. I thought the tables were good, though I would have liked a little more expansion from them. Likewise, while I thought spit-turtle was fun, I was at a bit of a loss on how to implement it since there weren't any mechanics, and, in real life, I absolutely am not going to have my players put live turtles in their mouths.
Nonetheless, I generally like this supplement. It's free, it's beautifully done, and it gives you a great tavern. Despite its flaws, I'd recommend it.