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Clink RPG
Publisher: Technical Grimoire Games
by Conrad A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2018 11:59:39

Clink is a great story driven system that is great for introducing new players to tabletop rpgs. The rules are quite simple, which have been more liberating than restricting. Some players I've had for years suddenly were able to fully invest in their characters, not worried about forgetting minute rules inhibiting their actions. The character evolution comes from the entire group. Inherently players work together to create backstory while the game is ongoing, which has had more reserved players really shine. I've still only used the classic Western setting, but have plenty of ideas on how to run others that I imagine would work just as well. I even have a friend I've been telling to GM for years and this system finally got him to try it.

If you want a simple game that you can play for a few hours, are new to tabletops, or perhaps trying to get a friend to try - I highly recommend this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Clink RPG
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