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Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game
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Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game
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Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Richard T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2018 04:05:10

As a Kickstarter backer I grumble at how long these projects take and DG was no exception.

The final product is excellent and the up date to the rules streamlines and mirrors the effect these things have on us in real life. The violence and bonds mechanic especially backs up the evidence of the after effects of prolonged combat as many veterans will confess to. Broken relationships, PTSD, thousand yard stare can all be realised in game giving a balanced rules mechanism to enhance the atmosphere and in some cases, desperation of Agents. Love it.

Look forward to the slipcase set.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by David T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2018 15:52:23

I joined this Kickstarter after taking a look at the early rules document. I was thinking about purchasing the new Call of Cthulhu at the time, but I instantly fell in love with these rules. They are the best horror RPG rules I've used, and I've been playing since the 70's. Super streamlined, with a great reworking of Sanity, and fantastic additions for downtime and family life. Another nice addition is Lethality, making combat realistic and frightening. I really like conspiracy and "monster of the week" campaigns, and this game does both very well, with the bonus of existing within HPL's Mythos. Character creation is fast, but you still end up with a deep character. The information on government organizations is top notch. The Handler's Guide oozes adventure ideas and horror from every page. The layout is fantastic and very atmospheric. You can easily run any previous Delta Green material or CoC scenario with these rules. This is really the only horror game I'm ever going to need. It's perfect. Can't wait for more of the books.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Eric B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2018 15:45:25

A fantastic update of a great game. The new mechanical additions go a long way to supporting the sort of games that this setting has always excelled at: desperate agents trying to save the world as their life, careers, and sanity slowly buckle under the strain. Everything you need to run an awesome Lovecraftian campaign is in these two books!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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