I really like the books and the pdfs. I've bought all the Operation & evidence pdfs and a few hardcovers (A Night at the Opera & Iconoclasts). The artwork is great, the system is similar to CoC 7e. It's cerebral and unnatural.
Some constructive criticism I have to mention some odd sentence/paragraph structure that really should have been handled by an editor. Here's an example, Agent's Handbook page 27 Optional Bonus Skill Point Packages:
MILITARY OFFICER: Bureaucracy, Firearms, History, Military
Science (choose one), Navigate, Persuade, Unarmed
Combat; choose one: Artillery, Heavy Machinery,
Heavy Weapons, HUMINT, Pilot (choose one), or
After reading it a few times, it makes sense. When your trying to do a zero session with new players it's a headache.
Game is great. Just my nitpicking.