This is a well produced brief scenario or encounter with everything you need to run it, and a bit more! I like that, as written, it is suitable for beginning adventurers of RQG, but recommendations for scaling the inhabitants and encounters could make it a challenge for anything up to rune-levels. The fold-and-play miniatures are also very handy and well done!
I really like Watchtower Hills! It has a lot going for it - An adventure locale, a mystery that is hard to ignore, an economy and locals who probably know more than they are saying. Watchtower Hills is a great opening to adventure in this region. Can you discover the nature of the calamity that has left a terrible mark on the land and its peoples? Or maybe just getting rich is you thing. In that case, just roll on the rumor table to find something that will get you adventuring. The rumor table is also a great little thing to help a GM come up with a plot in timely manner.
I look forward to more from Christopher Cortright!
Just got this and am very happy with the content, especially for the price! The art is a fun and evocative. I especially liked the Tomb-Robber,, which allows a rogue-y, ranger-y type to better survive the hazards involved in a career in archeological resource reallocation.
I enjoyed Adventures in Wonderland a Lot! The whimsical illustrations of Arthur Rackham pair well with the treatment of the material, which provides you with everything yiou need to introduce your party to the Magical World of Wonderland! I especially liked the Template for "Wonderland Animal" and the Card Person Description and Statblock!
I like this relatively low powered monster, as an interesting creature that could be used in anumber of ways. Its not-necessarily hostile nature also means it could be more of a role-playing encounter than a lot of monsters, and its firey nature means it could become valuable or sought after.
This is a very nice map, just waiting for you to write your campaign around! Several formats and sizes are included.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for a good review, Clint! :) |
I like this book! The subject matter is off the beaten path of Fantasy Medieval Europe, such that you do not see it otherwise represented, which is great. but there is also some throwbacks to fairly iconic creatures from past editions of D&D - the Leucrotta and Catoblepas, for instance! The statblocks are laid out in familair format and the writing is very good! I also like the manipualted imaes,w hch give a more fanciful feel than simple photos! And the line art is very evocative of teh maerial! Well Done all around!
This is a terrific product with high production standards - good writing, editing and art, and some really great ideas! Well worth the cost!
I will be using a lot of the advantages, disadvantages, enhancements and limitations in my games. And I especially like the rules for Relics! Top Notch, Hazard Studios!
Another fine installment in the Awesome Powers series, full of teleportation, phasing and other spacially-related goodness!
These map packs by Ki-Ryn are terrific. I am blown away by the detail and value, and by the obvious thought that went into them. I have purchased several already and I am looking forward to seeing what ese they come up with.