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What a great addition to the IM collection! Also, whoever came up with the Momas the Murmurer threat must be extremely smart and cool.
It's light-hearted, it's clever, and it's fun. It's pretty much just what it says on the tin, and honestly, that's a great thing. Alex and Phil have written some very fun and interesting material with a weird, wild west flair that would be a fun addition to any game with the proper treatment. The production values are top-notch and truly professional. Solid game design is important to me, even on something that isn't super dense and heavy material, so I appreciate that in this one. Check out the description, and if you think it MIGHT appeal to you, then I can pretty much assure you that it will. This is a no-risk prospect for you if what I have to say matters at all to you.
This is a professional-looking, mechanically sound, no-BS product that I really enjoy. Low level monsters often get overlooked, and anything to give the DM more options to make special ones more dynamic is great as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I don't need and ULTRABEAST GHOULPLUS to lead my pack of ghouls. Maybe I just need Paleheart the Scion of Bones that rules the local graveyard, a normal ghoul who has a few extra tricks up his sleeve to keep my players on their toes. I don't need it to be an ancient dragon. I just need a couple extra surprises for the party to problem solve against. This supplement fits that bill immaculately well. It's low on frills, but is quite clever and streamlined. The production values are good, but not ostentatious. It doesn't pretend to be something it's not. It's an honest, straightforward resource for DMs that doesn't require much effort at all to use. I bought this day 1, and if you haven't yet, so should you. I'm already using it in my campaign (I didn't just make up the whole Paleheart thing - that dude's in the next party fight for sure).
There are many, many low-quality, poorly thought out products on DMs Guild (you know which ones they are, folks), but this is certainly not one of them. Your money would be well-spent on this. Easily one of my favorite purchases to date.
Creative? Check. Interesting? Check. Balanced? Check. What more do you want? Skullsmashing? It's got that, too. Like... right up front. This is a great offering of expanded options for your 5e game. I'm glad I purchased it, and I intend to get a lot of use out of it at my table. I highly recommend it!
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the nice words and the review, much appreciated! :D |
Folks, this is a western-themed adventure that is lighthearted, clever, and fun. OK? Don't try to make it something it's not and you'll be in good shape. The characters are inventive and original, but they also hit all the right notes with the tropes they draw from, as well. You certainly couldn't throw this adventure wholecloth into a grimdark slaughterhouse romp, but you're also not supposed to. A little modification would probably get it there, honestly. You could change the main antagonist to a combat servitor and more or less play this ins the 40k universe if you really wanted, now that I think about it a little more. But anyways, it literally says what this is intended for right on the tin/box/wrapper. And does it succeed at it? Absolutely. This adventure is so much fun. Lots of original ideas, lots of fun character interactions, and lots of exciting combat. I really enjoyed reading through this, and I have every intention of running this in the very near future. The production values are great and fit the tone perfectly. This is a very professional product that treats itself exactly as it should, and I appreciate that very much. Downsides? Ugh, the puns. So many puns, guys. Like... a lot of puns. OK fine, not that many, but puns make me want to die, and this one just about killed me. But that's about it. Pun-kryptonite aside (I am indeed Superman, of course), just spend your money here already. I don't know how else to explain this to you.
Full Disclosure: I publish other stuff (not this) with PB Publishing, and I was provided a free copy of this adventure in order to provide an honest review. If that makes you think I gave a favorable review I didn't mean, then you are welcome to call the cops. Or just pry open your wallet and spend less than 5 bucks for literal hours of entertainment with your nerd friends, kids, etc. as you play through this. 10x cheaper than the movies and 100x more entertaining. It's really fun, it looks and reads great, and it's inexpensive. What more do you want? 5/5 is a no brainer for this one.
A Christmas-themed adventure? Definitely not my style. Or so I thought. This is a clever adventure with a great mix of humor, adventure, and challenge. It's not just a Grinch knock-off, it's not yet another edgy Krampus story. It's its own animal, and I really appreciate that.
The writing is top notch, the care that went into the design is readily apparent, and the sense of humor meshes great with my own. Is it fun? Absolutely. Is it worth the price? 100% Is it solid and standalone without taking itself too seriously? For sure. Is it slapstick and silly and super over the top whimsical? Nope. It's just right in tone and design so that it can fit into just about any game if the DM were so inclined to run it, Christmas or no. I appreciate that, too.
Christopher Walz is a talented creator that many of his peers could learn a thing or two from. I wouldn't normally want to play an adventure like this, but I gladly spent the few bucks to pick this one up because I enjoyed his other work (and you would, too), and I wasn't disappointed.
If you like fun, pick this one up. If you don't, you're a sad person and I feel bad for you, but pick it up anyways. Maybe you'll learn something useful.
This may not be a lengthy supplement, but there's no reason it should be. I appreciate that this is exactly what it should be, and what it is is really cool! The author understands that quality of content is more important than raw size - there is just as much to this as there should be. The content is well-thought-out and clever, and I really like the options that were selected for each of the backgrounds. I very much enjoy the added depth that these tables add to characters, espectially for players like me who are interested in playing off of those sorts of aspects when writing backstories and roelplaying. The whole supplement is well written and well presented (art deco cover? Yes please!). For a dollar? This is a steal that you shouldn't overlook.
OK, really now. How much fun is this? These adventures have everything. Great maps, superb attention to detail and the mechanics of the game, actual motivation for the party to pursue the adventure, contingencies in case things go a little off the rails, compelling characters, and OH YEAH - DINOSAURS YOU CAN RIDE INTO BATTLE. Perhaps you didn't hear me clearly, so let me repeat: RIDEABLE BATTLE DINOS. The 12 year old in me is screaming in delight. The 30something in me is also screaming in delight, for the record.
Truly, these are such fun adventures that any group should enjoy. Them being packaged together is a no-brainer since they follow one another narratively (which is NOT necessarily the standard with bundles of adventures). It's refreshing to see so much attention to detail and legitimate care given to the story and even more importantly, the enjoyment of the players and DM.
I can't recommend this bundle enough. Is duology a word? I don't know, but luckily, I also don't care. Run out and buy this immediately if you like fun. If you're one of those people who doesn't like fun, consider buying it anyways, as this might actually teach you to like it for once, you sad, sad person.
Truly, PB Publishing puts out some of the best, most ethically developed content out there today, and it's an absolute treat to see a product like this that puts value in the consumer's hand in more than one way.
Disclaimer: I received a promotional copy of this product, but received no other compensation. My review is factual and truthful.
Disclaimer 2: I'm serious, it's REALLY fun. The art alone should hint at that, but don't judge a book by its cover. Spend the few bucks and pick this up for a steal. What were you going to do with that money anyways, buy a ridiculous coffee that will likely give you an endocrine disease? I'm sure that 20 minutes of beverage delight will far, far outweigh several hours spent laughing and cheering with your friends while you're playing these D&D adventures, right? No, no it won't. You're here because you play D&D, presumably with your friends, hoping to make some really cool memories. Stop vascillating and accept that you or your DM needs this insanely inexpensive but lovingly crafted pack of adventures.
Ride a dinosaur. See the world! FIGHT PIRATES?! How have you not bought this already?
This is a perfect example of why Loot the Room content is so good and quite noteworthy. I needed an adventure for my group of 4th level PCs and this adventure popped up just in time. The monsters are innovative and creative, the adventure hooks are fun, and the whole thing is a blast to read through. As always, the production values are top notch, and the fact it's intended for Shadepoint but can be used on its own is a huge bonus. A+ work!
I have worked with Loot the Room before on other projects, and products like this are exactly why that's whom I choose to work with. Disclosure: I did not contribute to this product and this review is entirely genuine and unsolicited.
It's simple and straightforward, but it's creative and innovative. Most importantly, it's useful! Every DM or player needs some inspiration sometimes, and this is just the kind of thing I reach for when I need something like that. In this case? What DOES that book they found look like? Well, let's find out!
Free? Fun? Tables? You had me at Tavern, even. This is a great little sourcebook complete with NPCs, maps, and hilarity. With stellar production values and obvious fun built into the intent, this is a great download to make. And it's literally free, so what are you waiting for?!
As always, Loot The Room has come up with a great little encounter for the already great Shadepoint supplement. This is well worth the price of admission, the details are just so, the fun factor is high, and any players would love to play through this encounter, and the production values are as crisp as ever. I highly recommend this one!
Loot the Room does it again, providing an extremely well thought out and in depth write up on an entire city that you can just drop into one of your games. It's got detailed maps, intrigue, lore, and all the background you might need to make a city come to life for players and DM alike. This is well worth the price of admission, which is EASILY 5 bucks or more, in my opinion. You would do well to pick this up for use in your home game, regardless of the overall setting. LTR has done the work for you. What more could you want?
To be fair, I feel as though I must provide SOME criticism. I think this counts as a medium city, not a small city, technically. But obviously that one little technical detail that I can't even verify with any meaningful scale given that an exact population number is also provided isn't going to keep me from enjoying this awesome offering.
As always, LTR, shut up and take my money! You've outdone yourself yet again.
This is a wonderful collection of material and adventures. Glenn Cooper does it again!
Jeff never ceases to put out fun, inventive adventures. This one is no exception. I enjoyed the way this one is laid out very much, and I truly think any players looking for a fun, exciting adventure would do well to pick this up!