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Journey To Ragnarok - Adventure and Setting for 5e
Publisher: Mana Project Studio
by Michele [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2024 07:51:10

Questo modulo è parecchio carente e come hanno evidenziato altri ci sono un sacco di Errata che DEVONO essere corretti.

Poi com'è possibile che siano stati sbagliati a riportare le statistiche dei mostri nella traduzione? Sono letteralmente numeri!

Avevo sostituito un master il piano dei ghiacci:

  • 2 paginette di descrizione del piano
  • Nessuna tabella degli incontri casuali
  • Nessuna mappa di luoghi specifici o Quest dell'intero piano Devo metterci un sacco di mio per giustificare il livellamento del piano

Side note, l'uso dei livelli di indebolimento è buona cosa dovrebbero essere usati più spesso.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Journey To Ragnarok - Adventure and Setting for 5e
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Beyond the Mountains of Madness
Publisher: Chaosium
by Michele F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2021 21:40:55

First off, I buyed this book when it was discounted.

Allright i'm using this module for my players and loved the concept beyound it, a long jourmey that will test everyone. Evertinthing starts pretty casual and realistic, going full Lovercraft onece beyound the mountain.

The book id pretty big, but it would have been shrinked a bit. I like the reference to real event, but i had no use (and no way i would my player) to put on with all the tecnically of charging boat, planes and similar things that will slow the game.

There is an impressive roster of pnc and the story is pretty reilroading. There is a tight shedulesof events.

Plot and gimmicks are passables, i don't know your players but HERE is the really drawback for the Keepers. You will have to muscle up and shreds, remove and add on things that will manage to make the adventure enjoyable.

The goods:

-I lollend reading the NPC and the overall plot

-At first is normal but when you will see more and more the Mythos

-A clear Timline and lots of notes

-A long campain

-They have updated with the INDEX on the pdf

The Bad:

-You have to work to make the coiche the player make be revelant.

-THAT CHOICE should be in the last chapter!

-More than one chapter have event that can end the adventure, one even before you sail from new York.

-Important event that are scripted

-A lot of Fluf that you will not show to the player, has the infinity inventory check list, statistic for boats and planes et ecc..


Buy it on a sale, the modules is great but the price is too high for a previtten adventure that the keepers has to work the plyer feel they're choice are revelant. This said, after an heavily GM tweaking, i had a blast with my group in this adventure.


The elder things show no one time signs tha they could collaborate, respect or at least shold came to term with the humans for the survival of evreyone (they thinks in alien way ok, but at the same time they are intelligent and not suicidal)... Then why for the love of Chtullu they had buried Gendy like one of them, the modules even say that this should made the PG think about it bat is never mentioned again or used in any way or at least justified. More then one PG has to die or game over this as frustrated me more.

UPDATE: They have put an index in the PDF

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beyond the Mountains of Madness
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S. Petersen's Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors
Publisher: Chaosium
by Michele F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/12/2021 11:38:19

A very lovely book, the art is very suggestive and the man reason while the decription is not too exhaustive, but nonetheless it will hepl inspire bookerpes that know nothing about lovecraftina creatures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
S. Petersen's Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors
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Bluebeard's Bride
Publisher: Magpie Games
by Michele F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/10/2021 11:35:26

Pretty nice, I've liked to periment with this RPG and stole some idea for my other campaigns.

Just let the plyers understand that has a woman int the olds time, there is no way that life is going easy on you AND thi only if you are one of the few lucky ones.

NB: This game could be going pretty dark, because nt only the Rulers wil show the Horror but others player will be encouraged in it too and theri fantasies could be wild. Remeber to everyone the rule "in any time, if you feel uncomfortable, let us know"

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bluebeard's Bride
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Moon over Graymoor
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michele F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/20/2018 05:51:18

This is perfect for a first level adventure, there is just spculation and investigation.

My players started the adventure with "can't be it, it's to predictable" to "i **** knew it!" loved the triggering

Tought if they aren't prepared well the last fight is going to be one sighted

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Moon over Graymoor
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The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michele F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/20/2018 05:43:38

it's a pretty cute and short adventure, scpecially if your party hate elf

it will take at best two session to run it if you take it slow, good for a filler or put new PNG in your story (Especially the wizard)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
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Player's Quick Combat Guide
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michele F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/20/2018 05:14:58

Nice item, can be very usefull with new players with littel explanations.

Justa a side note, it doesn't tell you when the players can have a reaction.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Player's Quick Combat Guide
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