This game captures the gritty, frost-infused, and unforgiving environment of a Nordic setting like no other. The rules system is complex, but elegent with a "roll under this value" mechanic for most actions, and an exploding dice mechanic for damage, with d20s and d10s as the primary dice types used.
The Player's Handbook covers all aspects of character creation. Characters are created through a method of purchase using Creation Points to select Traits (basically attributes), Skills, Disciplines, and Specialties (these last two falling under the 9 Skills groups). While there are character archetypes, this is essentially a classless system with character effectiveness based completely on what composition of skills are purchased. Magic is treated as specialties under specific skills, and is thus available to all characters. Each school of magic has its own character, unique aspects, and feels weighty and threatening while remaining balanced.
The only real area where I found the PH lacking is in a full rules breakdown. While the PDF DOES have a the rules for the various magic "tablets," the GMs guide is required for a full rules explination, especially in terms of combat sequence (which is dynamic, brutal, and highly tactical!) and for equipment.
I am an experienced GM of D&D, Shadowrun, and some Pugsmire. While I have not run the Trudvang chronicles, I honestly hope the game's popularity increases, and a player base comes into existance. It is a fantastic and evocative setting, has an elegent rules system, and deserves to be played. The undiscounted PDF is a bit expensive, so perhaps wait for a sale. Even so, those $30 would still get you a fantastic game...