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Swords & Six-Siders
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Swords & Six-Siders
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Stuart J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2018 15:23:37

It's agood useable system, with a small amount of tweaking I've adapted it to a post apocalypse, alien invasion style game, simple but totally great basics for a mixed player age group

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Swords & Six-Siders
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Christopher C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2018 20:06:51

This is a super lite fantasy offering in the vein of 0-e of the original RPG. In it you will find ideas for the standard races and classes found in most fantasy games.

The games hook is that you use a single d6 for all rolls. This means attributes are generated with 1d6, tasks are performed the same way. It is a perfect way of doing things for a pick-up group or even a longer term set of sessions. It is lite enough to allow for quick play but has room to add things as you go.

Very fun and quite worth the read!

And lest I forget... there is a small group dedicated to this game forming up over on G+

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks! I'll note that the group has moved to MeWe:
Swords & Six-Siders
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by John A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2018 17:09:34

This rules-lite RPG is brilliant in its simplicity. Contained in these 60 pages is everything you need to play, gamemaster, and design your own monsters and adventures. Monster design and their tiny stat block are ingenious. Plus, I love Steve Robertson's art. It is a perfect match to his text, only detailed enough to be inspiring in its simplicity.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Swords & Six-Siders
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Jerry L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/23/2018 21:56:24

Swords & Six-Siders is basically a 1d6 version of the original role-playing game. It is dripping with old-school goo (that's a GOOD thing), from writing to art to the feeling of nostalgia just by reading it. No other dice are used except a good ol' d6, the most convenient type that is accessible in every home, even if you have to raid a dusty old board game tucked in a closet. Your standard races are present (Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human) and there are three of the four familiar classes (Fighter, Thief, Wizard). No Clerics, but there is the Myrmidon class which is a compromise since they can fight and cast spells. Your level of play goes from 1-6, the equivalency of levels 1-12 in other OSR games. Monsters are handled so efficiently by the genius of using Monster Levels (ML) to determine their stats. No more extensive stat blocks followed by long-toothed descriptions. Combat's a cinch. Roll 1d6 +/- any modifiers and hit the opponent's Armor Class. Other things I like about the game is that any natural roll of "6" is a success and "1" is a failure. Yep, even the greatest heroes and foes have at least a 1-in-6 probability of flubbing, and the weakest still have a chance for success. This game is so easy to build your own adventures, races, and monsters for -- and with the forthcoming supplement license, we'll soon be creating and sharing our ideas enough to elevate this little gem of a game to new heights previously unimaginable. With enough buy-in from all of the great OSR gamers and authors (and there are a TON of you, FWIW), it should be a fun ride!

Disliked: Myrmidons instead of Clerics - easily remedied with the Supplement license... hint, hint ;) Liked: Everything else!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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