Originally posted here: https://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/2020/10/dmsguild-witch-project-5e-witches-part-2.html
This PDF is 18 pages (1 title, 17 pages content). There is no art and no layout above what can be done in a simple word processor. It also only sells for $1.00, so that evens everything out.
This witch is at 20 levels, but only progresses to the 5th spell level ability. Interestingly enough this witch also uses a 1d8 for HD, so making her a little tough than other witches. This one also puts more details into the various familiars the witch can get.
The archetypes are referred to as "Teachings" here. There are Fortune Teller, Herbology, and Sigils.
We get a spell list at the end.
Some interesting ideas, but it feels a bit like a rough draft rather than a completed product. Then again for $1.00 you can buy it and detail it any way you like.