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17 Monk Feats $3.50
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17 Monk Feats
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17 Monk Feats
Publisher: The Le Games
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/05/2011 22:15:27

Exactly what it says on the tin. 17 new feats for your d20 3.x monk. The art is light, and the text is too the point. You are getting a lot, but if you are playing a monk and want more variety then it is a good deal.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
17 Monk Feats
Publisher: The Le Games
by Shane O. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/31/2006 00:00:00

17 Monk Feats is a short supplement from The Le Games. The zipped file is almost three-point-five megabytes in size, and contains two PDFs, one JPEG file, a Word document, and a text readme file that catalogues the contents of the zipped file. The JPEG image is the cover of the product, and the Word file is there as a printer-friendly version. The two PDFs are both the same product, with one being in landscape format for screen reading, and the other in portrait format for easier printing. Both PDFs are fully bookmarked.

As the name suggests 17 Monk feats contains seventeen new feats for monk characters, and make no mistake, only for monk characters, as each of these feats has a certain amount of monk levels as part of their prerequisites. Each feat has a listing for the game effects, and then a background section giving a fluff explanation for how the monk is able to perform this feat?s ability. Some feats that cause special conditions (such as blindness, deafness, etc.) have those conditions given their full listing in italics following the feat.

The feats given here have a very wuxia feel to them, particularly given their descriptions. With feats like Chi Bolt and Iron Body Technique, it?s hard not to be reminded of Hong Kong action films. But while this is an enjoyable atmosphere for the product, there are places where it falls down. The Calm Aura feat, for example, grants no benefit if the monk is in combat or engages in ?strenuous action,? but what counts as strenuous action is never detailed. The Steel Fist Technique feat gives (among other bonuses) the monk?s hands and arms immunity to heat and cold ? it seems rather odd to have only specific body parts have an energy immunity. One or two of these feats might be considered too powerful; Iron Body Technique can be taken as fifth level, where it gives you DR 2/- and an extra hit die. Finally, although The Le Games is obviously trying to be helpful by summarizing special conditions right in the product, I see this as being superfluous, as most everyone will have their PHBs right there with them.

17 Monk Feats is a product that wants to bring the feel of a Hong Kong action movie to your game, and it does so fairly well. However, you may want to look each of these feats over to make sure the rules are clear enough, and balanced enough, for you. <br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: The new feats given here do a very good job of presenting an Asian kung-fu style for your monk characters.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Some of these feats seemed too powerful, and others weren't totally clear about how they worked. Finally, while it was intended to be helpful, the reprinted conditions in the product seemed like a waste of space.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
17 Monk Feats
Publisher: The Le Games
by Derek K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/18/2006 00:00:00

The monk is a strong melee class, but "17 Monk Feats" doesn't focus solely on the combat aspects of the class. Instead, writer James "Grim" Desborough has put together a selection of feats devotes to expanding the monk in all the aspects of the Dungeons & Dragons game, not just the hand-to-hand abilities of the class.

(Purchase of this supplement includes both a printer-friendly version of this product as well as a landscape version. For purposes of this review, the landscape version was used.)

Of the non-combat-related feats, Ascetic (which grants the monk a bonus to Fort and Will saves, as well as cutting the monk's need for food and drink in half), Calm Aura (which creates a zone of "peace and serenity" around the monk, preventing characters from using 'rage' or 'frenzy' class abilities within 25 feet of him or her) and Healing Breath (which allows the monk to, through the use of practiced and calming breath, heal ability damage and hit points) stand out.

The monk can be a devastating combatant as well, and "17 Monk Feats" does not forget that. No Mind (which allows the monk to slip into a trance-like state at the beginning of combat, gaining a bonus to attack roles and his or her Armor class at the expense of having access to his or her martial art-like abilities) and Steel Fist Technique (which grants the monk's fists extreme hardness and durability, allowing the monk's unarmed attack double the normal Strength modifier to damage) are exceptional, and available to first-level monks. However, the two feats that have my most attention are Improvisation (which allows the monk to use an obvious non-weapon - the examples given are a towel, a milking stool and a cowbell - as a weapon, complete with the statistics of the closest "real weapon" available, but with only a -1 penalty to hit) and Striking Scorpion (which allows the monk to sacrifice a hit point to be able to hit an opponent first in combat).

This is a solid supplement - easy to read and instantly usable without overpowering the monk class.

<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: There is a good variety of material here, and DMs and players will find that this supplement only adds to the monk's options without overpowering the class. The layout is easy to follow, and the feats' benefits and descriptions are easy to understand.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: There are a few typos throughout the document.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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