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The Graveyard Shift
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Chris C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2020 11:31:49

I'm a beginner DM and while working to construct my own world and setting I wanted to get started in running the game as I was a little eager to. While looking for free one-shots I discovered The Graveyard Shift. It helped be realise that being a DM requires a lot more preperation, at times I was uncertain what should be happening so after session 1 I properly read the rest of the PDF. It was a good short adventure that defiently leaves itself open to including your own areas, such as the market which I built out as the characters looked for other equipment mid adventure. Would highly reccomend

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Graveyard Shift
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