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The Graveyard Shift
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tyler S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/12/2018 10:12:13

Short version: This adventure is phenominal, laid out well, fun and intuitive for new players, and a great starting point for a campaign.

Long version: This adventure took only a little adjusting for my (low-magic) setting, but it was so well written and concise that I had no trouble. Just make sure you read it before you start running it, a lot of the setting and personality information is in the back of the book. Its read-aloud text is a great addition, and takes some of the burden off of the DM, and I found that it really focused my distractable players when they noticed I was reading not just describing.

If your players are murder hobos, or not interested in taking their time with the adventure it will have a good set of challenges. If your players are thoughtful and patient it gives you suggestions to nudge them in the right direction, and the important clues have multiple paths to get to the players. Did they miss the red dirt that's only from that one place? No big deal, there are other things leading them toward the place. No one speaks Elvish? That's fine, the portal opens after they mess around long enough, but they're teleported into the cells instead of just into the laboratory. Big thumbs up for that.

Really looking forward to more from the authors of this, the pdf gives WotC a run for their money. It looks like a professional production, way more than the $3 price tag would suggest.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Graveyard Shift
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