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QMR - Character Assistant

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QMR - Character Assistant
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QMR - Character Assistant
Publisher: Silver Branch Games
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/22/2008 17:46:16

Very small but very nicely focused on the PDQ product Questors of the Middle Realms. The free-from nature of character creation in PDQ gets a good review in terms of traditional RPGs.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
QMR - Character Assistant
Publisher: Silver Branch Games
by Sophie L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/14/2007 00:00:00

This short little play aid makes character creation for "Questers of the Middle Realms" even easier. It's particularly helpful for players and even GMs who are used to more traditional RPGs and have little or no experience with open-ended character creation. It can be used for random generation, but is even more useful as a series of examples to jog players' imaginations.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Short, sweet, to the point; adds structure for those who need it while remaining light-handed.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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