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Class Character Sheets - The Bundle
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adla M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/31/2022 13:05:52

I really wanted to like these sheets, The way the features and traits were organized, among other things was really nice and the layout looked really clean, along with the aesthetic similarity to WotC's own sheets. However I found the sheets to be a bit cumbersome in some respects. First off, the second page and spell sheets all being their own separate PDFs doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I feel like if you're making character sheet PDFs every page should be in the file by default. Secondly the spells section on some of these sheets doesn't accommodate preparation casters very well outside of having sections for a Druid's circle spells or a Cleric's domain spells. On the first page there's only room for 32 spells, which just barely doesn't cover the total amount of Cantrips, 1st Level, and 2nd Level spells you could have on a WotC sheet, which makes it hard to play a prep caster since they know all of their spells by default. One could fit all their prepared spells and Cantrips on it, assuming they were max level and had 20 in their spellcasting ability, but that still only leaves room for two unprepared spells, and this wouldn't be much of an issue if the actual spell sheets were not separate PDFs. My last point of criticism is in regards to the equipment section of the sheet. I don't get why it's organized by what part of the body something is being worn on since D&D 5E doesn't use equipment slots. I can understand this being used in the niche scenario where someone has two pieces of magic armor that can't be worn at the same time, or if you have a DM that uses a homebrew gear slot system like this, but it otherwise seems superfluous. I'm very sorry if this all sounds harsh, these were just things that I really did not like about trying to use these sheets and I felt the need to bring them up in this review.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Class Character Sheets - The Bundle
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