Note: I have not examined each and every sheet. There may be issues I haven't found, or things I mention that don't apply to other sheets. I also use digital character sheets, so parts of this are non-applicable to pen and paper players.
The Good: The visual design of these sheets are close to the standard WotC ones, if that's your thing. I love that it puts feats, resource trackers, and a spell slot tracker on the front page, because my struggle to track or remember those was the reason I started looking for alternatives in the first place. I also like that's there's bubbles for expertise.
I wasn't specifically looking for a sheet with a bigger inventory box, but now that I have one, I'm pleased with it. On the standard sheet the auto-scaling text was getting so small that I wasn't able to skim it, which isn't (yet) a problem on this one. I also enjoy having a spot for magic items with descriptions.
I love having a dedicated sheet for abilities - it's far easier to parse than scrunching it all into features and traits. I also like having spell sheets where I can note down more info than just the name.
I imagine the pre-filled class sheets are great for newer players and faster character creation, but the oddball builds I enjoy require the flexibility of the generic martial/caster sheets. Having both options is excellent.
The Bad: Combining PDFs get really weird because of how form field names work. While I do like the modular nature of these sheets, I also like having my character sheet in one PDF and not six. In particular, I had issues combining the ability sheet with the front sheet, and issues combining multiple spell sheets. If nothing else, I'd like a pre-combined multi-page spell sheet - space for 12 or 15 spells just isn't enough.
There's not a lot of space in the boxes for feat/ability/spell descriptions, which may be a concern for some. I personally don't mind it too much, but I thought it was worth highlighting.
The Ugly:
- The smaller bubbles under the big ability score boxes have off-center text.
- The archetypes box in the multiclass sheets overlaps with the level circles. If you have a longer combination of archetypes, it ends up covering the right level circle. Even if you don't have a long combination, the overlap makes the text off center from the box.
- The feat level bubble overlaps the description box. Sometimes the description text can end up on top of the bubble's outline, making it hard to read.
- Text in HP and hit dice boxes isn't vertically centered. The font size for the current HP box also seems weirdly small for how big the box is.
- A digital-friendly way to track what spell slots you've used and the slots you have at your level. The How_To.jpg in the bundle shows the creator's own method of marking spell slots, but unless fillable PDFs have some alternate way to mark radials that I'm not aware of, I can't do the same thing.
- Separate hit dice trackers for the multiclass sheets.
- Bigger spell/ability names for easier skimming.
Despite some criticisms, I do really like these sheets! I plan to continue using them from now on.