This is a well balanced and well thought out revision that fully achieves what it set out to do with style and with feeling. This tradition much more truly captures the feeling, function and soul, of a monk that uses elemetnal forces and energies, especially if you contrast it agaisnt the orignal four-elements monk, which was heavily diconnected in its aspects. The vanilla FE monk was just a monk with a handful of weak-for-level spells, and no extra perks. This reinvention of the tradition is something that I would consider an essential replacement for any campaign going forward, hands down.
The limitations of the traditon will be felt most keenly at the very beginning - at third level - however the pinch smooths by the very next level, and though the resource squeeze never goes away completely (which is a good thing), the overall balance is excellent.
Players may find themselves pining over the tough choices that must be made when it comes to the stances - a limit of four out of seven means that players wanting all four base elements won't be able to acquire any of the advanced stances, and those wanting an advanced stance must give up at least one basic elemental form choice to take it, and they are all appealing, and all have their charm. Difficult decisions aside, however, this certianly encourages replayability of the tradition with different characters.
I would recommend this as an essential consideration to anyone thinking of playing an elemental monk, or creating one for their campaign.