Great stuff. Super easy to use. Very straight forward adventure. Perfect for first time players and DMs. I've recommended it to many (plus, you can't beat the price!).
I'm a little bit torn about this product. While, first and foremost, I greatly appreciate the effort put forth by the creator (the quality and attention to detail are obvious), I didn't find these individual "mini-dungeons" for each tower quite as awesome and ready to use as I had hoped. This is not meant to be overly critical. I've used other items by this creator in the past and have loved them. I also think the idea of expanding on these towers of magic is very excellent (as many are underbaked in the campaign book).
Unfortunately, I felt like all of the tower encounters in this module still needed a lot of re-working on my part to seem authentic to Ythryn and tie better into other parts of the campaign (including Ythryn's own lore). Some of the towers were also a bit overly complicated, sometimes making the encounters difficult to understand. I had to sit down and really think about many of them....while writing heavy notes. It seems unlikely that a DM could simply open the module and run it without alot of prep. Given many of the encounters inside didn't quite have the feel I was looking for, I heavily modified things, using combinations of what was in this module and what was in the large ROTFM campaign book AND information found on Reddit. This meant I essentially re-wrote all of the encounters to suit my needs, which took a huge amount of effort.
However, I will say this: the maps are fantastic (especially in Roll20). I used all of them, no matter how I modified the encounters. The quality of the work is top notch. Providing statblocks, artwork, etc. Very nicely done. And, most of the issues I had with this module were very much due to my own personal preferences. So, consider that when reading my comments.
Either way, there is enough material to work with in this module (whether you use all of it, or just some of it) to make it a sound purchase. I also laud the creator for the effort they put into make this of high quality.
Creator Reply: |
Hey Josh,
Thanks for supporting our work. I’m sorry you found some of the encounters complicated. I just wanted to post a link to some videos I made a while ago with brief walkthroughs of the towers and other Rime content I’ve made that may help future DMs both know what they’re about to buy and some useful framing for some of the trickier encounters. Thank you for your honest feedback.
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQCVQpm9fAlln4WARJ0oSvcKD49rbRTDw&si=lKr64ExnHqSNQOR8 |
I'm a little bit torn about this product. While, first and foremost, I greatly appreciate the effort put forth by the creator (the quality and attention to detail are obvious), I didn't find these individual "mini-dungeons" for each tower quite as awesome and ready to use as I had hoped. This is not meant to be overly critical. I've used other items by this creator in the past and have loved them. I also think the idea of expanding on these towers of magic is very excellent (as many are underbaked in the campaign book).
Unfortunately, I felt like all of the tower encounters in this module still needed a lot of re-working on my part to seem authentic to Ythryn and tie better into other parts of the campaign (including Ythryn's own lore). Some of the towers were also a bit overly complicated, sometimes making the encounters difficult to understand. I had to sit down and really think about many of them....while writing heavy notes. It seems unlikely that a DM could simply open the module and run it without alot of prep. Given many of the encounters inside didn't quite have the feel I was looking for, I heavily modified things, using combinations of what was in this module and what was in the large ROTFM campaign book AND information found on Reddit. This meant I essentially re-wrote all of the encounters to suit my needs, which took a huge amount of effort.
However, I will say this: the maps are fantastic (especially in Roll20). I used all of them, no matter how I modified the encounters. The quality of the work is top notch. Providing statblocks, artwork, etc. Very nicely done. And, most of the issues I had with this module were very much due to my own personal preferences. So, consider that when reading my comments.
But...given this isn't exactly an inexspensive purchase ($24, but that includes the Roll20 ready version too), I think these comments are worth knowing.
Either way, there is enough material to work with in this module (whether you use all of it, or just some of it) to make it a sound purchase. I also laud the creator for the effort they put into make this of high quality.
I use thee books all of the time! Lots of options among the three volumes for all levels of play. If you have a party who enjoys solving puzzles, there's not reason whatsoever why you wouldn't want to buy this bundle.
Indespensible resource for folks running adventures in Waterdeep. Waterdeep is a massive, challenging, and daunting space for a DM to prep adventures in. Books like this help tremendously.
If you are going to run your party through Waterdeep for any length of time, it is highly recommended. Waterdeep: Dragonheist WOTC book provides details on Waterdeep, but these are mostly relavent to the adventure. There is less guidance for DMs whose party goes off on tangents to explore elsewhere in the city. If you're a DM with a group that likes to wander around a city, you'll need books like Volo's Guide here to help you.
Also, the print on demand version of this is of very nice quality.
Really cool. I honestly don't hand out a ton of magic items (5e characters are so powerful as they level up already), so I like the ones I do hand out to be unique. This idea of items that become enhanced as PCs level up is really great. If I had to provide one (minor) constructive comment it would be this: It might be nice to also create versions of these that level up a bit more frequently in a properly scaled way for campaigns that aren't going up to level 15 or 20. Most of my campaigns aren't going past level 10 or 11. So, it would be cool to get items that expand their powers at levels 1-3-5-7 (for example). Again....these would have to be scaled appropriately, but it would be cool to reap the benefits of the "growing" item more often. I actually intend to make slight modifications to these weapons so that's possible for my players. But...really...that's a minor point. This is a very cool product. Thanks!!
For those looking for a quick overview of what's in Waterdeep, this document is even more useful than you could imagine. For the uninitiated, Waterdeep is a very overwhelming and daunting place to DM adventures. So much to learn! This guide is an outstanding quick help for the DM. The fact that its "pay what you want" makes this (easily) the biggest bang for your buck guide to Waterdeep. With this quick guide, a resourceful DM has at least some ammunition to create an adventure on the spot should your PCs take things off the rails.
I highly recommend it if you want to get started learning about Waterdeep, but feel overwhelmed by it. I also highly recommend giving the author some money....even though they're providing it for free. It's worth it.
Wow....what an excellent classic adventure. So well written and organized. Maps galore for many locations. Just a TON of stuff packed into a small space.
Perhaps a bit difficult to navigate....lots of densely packed text (which was par for the course with classic adventures). But one of the first adventures to focus more on exploration overland (and not focused primarily on plundering a dungeon).
You can get lots of cool ideas from this module no matter what edition of DND you're playing....easily modified to suit your needs by just swapping out some stat blocks.
The scan is excellent for POD and they even scanned the original page of (what used to be) cardboard punch outs that came with the module "back in the day". Because of this, you could use a color scanner today......copy the page and cut them out by hand if you decidued you needed them.
Fantastic! This is not hyperbole....it might be the most useful and well-organized single city/town resource I've purchased on the DMs Guild. Just fantastic! I can't say enough. If you have a mind to do something in Longsaddle, you absolutely need this Gazeteer. Why would you want to use Longsaddle in your campaign? Because the very prolific and influential Harpell Family resides there. Anyone who has run Rime of The Frost Maiden has met one of their ranks: Vellynne. Now you can meet the rest of the family! But, Longsaddle isn't just the Harpells.....there are other influential families and numerous establishments (fully fleshed-out) for you to use in your campaign.
I just wish there was a POD version!
My only (very minor) qualm is that the Longsaddle map provided....although very nice to look at....has a pair of rabbits wearing wizard hats at the bottom. Now...given the location lore, I understand why this was included. HOWEVER, handing out a printed version of this map to players would require a long explanation about what those rabbits represent OR an explanation about why I couldn't give them an explanation :) Regardless, this is a very minor thing.
Great work!!
I desperately wish more of the locations in the Sword Coast would get this level of care.
Very nice intro adventure! Would be very easy to run as it is laid out clearly and simply....an especially nice option for new DMs! Definitely worth picking up. Also was really thrilled to see there was such an inexpensive POD option.
The whole thing is very satisfying.
I have only one minor constructive comment: The adventure is for characters level 1-3. I assume that means they can go from levels 1 to levels 3 by running through this adventure? However, it would be useful if there was a paragraph at the beginning that explained where these "level ups" should happen in the adventure for folks that do benchmark levelling. If this information was available in the adventure, I must have missed it.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm glad you've enjoyed Cottage on the Long Road.
The levels 1-3 is to indicate player characters of that level range should be able to play the adventure. It isn't designed for a leveling up moment, though if you're using XP calculations and want a 1st level party to be able to back out of the dungeon and level up in the middle of it, I think there's enough XP to warrant it floating around down there.
Hope this helps!! |
I ran a modified version of this for my homebrew campaign.....it helped me tremendously and gave me a lot of good ideas and resources, even though I reconfigured a lot of it to suit my own needs.
Its a short document that's easy to read and review for needed information.
Very nicely done!
Note that, as written, it would also be a very fun one-shot adventure and is very DM-freindly to run.
Absolutely worth picking up!
Fantastic! Needed this for my campaign. Can't beat the price and the maps are really, really nice looking.
Absolutely 100% ESSENTIAL for running this campaign.
I really like the overall setting, themes, and content in RotFM as written, but it is sort of a mess when it comes to story cohesiveness and how a DM should manage that story (numerous major storylines are not connected to eachother at all, or only loosely connected....which makes no sense).
But this bundle of content makes it actually possible for a DM to connect these story arcs and run the campaign in a more effective manner.
Basically, I don't think you can easily run a campaign for RotFM that makes sense and is enjoyable (from a story perspective for players AND as a DM trying to implement that story) without the content in this bundle.
You'll still have to do some work as a DM, but this bundle helps tremendously.
Highly recommend!
Very useful, especially if you are running RotFM and your party interacts with Arveiaturace.....but even if you are just interested in using this classic Great Wyrm in your homebrow. For the price, you really can't go wrong. I used this supplement for my most recent RotFM adventure and I found it well worth my money and time.
What can I say that hasn't already been said? Fantastic resource. Incredibly useful. Great artwork. This, in conjunction with my copy of Flee Mortals by MCDM and Sly Flourish's Forge of Foes has basically made my original WOTC monster manual almost irrelevant.
Creator Reply: |
Dragonix here!
Since you've enjoyed MME, I wanted to let you know that my latest bestiary, Dragonix's Deadly Denizens Volume II, is coming soon to Kickstarter!
This 300-page monstrous tome offers a terrifying array of characters, creatures, and cryptids designed to spark your imagination and invigorate your 5th Edition fantasy campaigns. It provides an abundance of new monsters and combat mechanics, guaranteed to astonish and challenge even the most experienced players, keeping them constantly on guard!
If you plan on getting the full volume, pledge within the first 72 hours and receive 2 free adventure modules: The Wrath of Nightshade and The Terrors Below! Don't miss out on this limited-time offer!
Head to the pre-launch page and follow to get yourself notified! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonix/dragonixs-deadly-denizens-ii
Thank you for your continued support! |